Tuesday 5 March 2013

#missionyummymummy march challenge day 4 and 5

Day 4 of my march challenge to do exercise everyday. I woke up really sore and achy from Zumba the day before and my arm will still heavy from all the tennis and boxing on day 2. I though it would be best to give my upper body a bit of a rest since I was in a lot of pain and don't want to give up my challenge before its really kicked in.

It was my little family's day off yesterday so we decided to go for a long adventure walk around Heaton park, I thought this would properly be the best way to exercise also giving my Upper body a rest. We definitely used our legs 3 hours in the park of constant walking and exploring looking out for different wildlife that lives in the park, chasing a 2 year old and finding our way around from getting lost in a park we go to more than 10 times a year, a park we got married in ha ha ha. I definitely got a good work out round the park and slept well afterwards too.

Day 5 of my challenge, since I became a football widow for the evening I didn't find it that difficult to fit my 30 minuets in. While tea was cooking in the oven I jumped on to the wii board and did 30 minuets of free steps while listing to my iPod. I had madonna imacuale collection on and I was well and truly getting into the groove ( sorry I couldn't help it) before I knew it 30 minuets was up and my challenge for the day was down and I got to avoid the football whoop lot of bonuses.