Sunday 10 March 2013

#missionyummymummy day 6-9 march challenge

Well i have been quiet on the blog front dr a few days, this isn't because in not doing my challenge its just life has been very hectic this week and in order to fit in my challenges I've had to use my time more wisely and unfortunately blogging has took a back seat.

Daddy peacock is opening a new store with the company he works for so he been a busy bee so I've been working and single parenting for a few days as poor daddy peacock hasn't seen baby peacock since Monday due to his 17 hour days and I know they are missing one another. Especially on Friday when baby peacock asked me if he could have a daddy cuddle. It breaks my heart but its no forever.

Due to daddy working late me and baby peacock are getting home late and bedtime moved later and by the time story and milk times over I'm downstairs preparing and making tea for when daddy peacock comes home. This Is when I'm fitting in my 30 minuets challenge.

Now my exercise hasn't been adventurous but i am sticking to the rules. I have mainly been doing the 30 minuet free step on the wii. Mainly because its always still set up so I can put tea on and jump on the wii board. This weeks there more off the same ahead but I'm going to plan a bit better to fit my challenge in better and do more than just free step.

I am noticing a difference and it does make me good, I'm definitely going to see this through till the end and hopefully improve my fitness and up my game. This challenge is showing my no matter how busy you are you can fit something in, no matter how small and it still makes a diffrence.

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