Saturday 2 March 2013

#missionyummymummy march challenge day 2

Today I have found it the hardest to try and fit exercise in. I was in work all day and ended up staying behind late. my 2 year old got over excited that we were all home together so bedtime was eventful and to top it off I was absolutely shattered.

Do you know what???? I did it any way I just found another way.

me and hubby sat on the sofa after tea moaning there was nothing on the tele and I kept saying I need to complete my challenge we both decided to get on the wii and have a tennis match. This got us off our bums and onto our feet and moving.

After a few tennis matches to warm us up we got competitive and moved on to boxing. This is where we really got going. As the matches progressed we really started getting a sweat on and with every hit the more it spired us on. I can definitely say this was a good work out due to the fact my whole body ached once our second boxing match was over. We really went for it putting our whole body into trying to beat the other.

As a warm down we decided to each take the fitness test. I am 5 months older than daddy peacock so was pleased my fitness result age was lower than his.......

He got 84........ I got....68. We're both 28 so lots of work to be had there.

Over all after a few games of tennis and 2 games of boxing with 3 rounds in each one that took us way over 30 minuets and you know what I really enjoyed it. it was so much more fun than I would of had just sitting there moaning.... Which might I add is something 1. I Love doing and 2. Im very good at.

Some might think that this doesn't sound like exercise but the idea is to get me moving move which this definitely did. It gotta heart rate up and my body Woking hard which I do believe qualifies. Anything a got to be better than just sitting in my bum.

Tomorrow is my day off and I plan to do a fitness DVD during baby peacocks nap. I've dug out a rosemary Connelly DVD so lets see if my plan pans out.

Now to end the night a few slow and steady games of bowling. Since I lost every game me and daddy peacock played I'm hoping to win at least a game of bowling. Xxx

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