Sunday 10 February 2013

Things a parent dreads :- foul mouth toddler

I have decided to start a little project on my blog of thing a parent dreads as I have come to the conclusion that there are lots and I stole across them as baby peacock grows.

When I mentioned this to daddy peacock the first thing he said was " s#!£ in the bath"

This leads me Into the whole reason behind this post.

This Sunday evening while running baby peacocks bath I accidentally dropped the bubble bath bottle into the bath knowing h was listening i just said "oh no, silly mummy" which my little parrot repeat, he than decided to add his own which started of as mild as "oh gosh mummy" than we went to "oh god" and finally came the big almighty "oh s#!t" perfectly pronounced as clear as day. I was in complete shock but also had to leave the bathroom as I was trying not to laugh and show h any reaction for what he just said.

Why is it that when toddlers are learning to speak the words they say you don't want them to say like swearing they say it clearer than any other word they use including mummy and daddy?????

I seen more of the funny side to it as we were in out own home, had we been out with actually people about I would have been mortified. I don't condone or encourage my toddler swearing and have had to find word to replace my own foul language as it has become apparent baby peacock is growing up fast and picking up words and phrases and starting to use them In the correct situation. It has also become apparent we have slipped up and been caught out by our 2 year old.

Now we have to figure out how to handle it. As I said I left the room so to him I was ignoring it. Usually when he's trying out words ill praise and encourage him so I'm hoping he will forget he used it. I don't want to shout or make a big deal out of it a he is the kind of child that would use it to test you or to try and get a reaction so I'm hoping that it was just a one off . If not do I revert back to how my parent dealt with it and wash his mouth out with soap???

I dread this as a parent because I worry he may use it In public making It look like he comes from a rough home where his parents swear all the time it had become the norm, i worry he will teach It to another child and I'm worried it will get worse before it gets better. I want to teach h eventually that it is a naughty word but for now I want him to forget it exist while he learning to talk. I'm not sure how easy that will be I'm sure lots of trial and error involved and lots of biting lips from mummy and daddy.

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