Saturday 23 February 2013

The futures bright for our little dude.

Baby peacock had a rocky start to life, I had to have an emergency section which involved me having to be put to sleep, Baby peacock had to be given a lot of oxygen to help him breath than when we though all the drama was over 9 hours after birth baby peacock had to be taken down to scbu because he was struggling to breath and was turning blue.

What should have been the most happiest time in our lives was the scariest at 9hours old we were told that baby peacock had, had a cardic arrest......there was a long pause before we were told he pulled though. We were all transferred to a specialist hospital where baby peacock or the best treatment and as quick as he got poorly he was getting better. After 13 days and a transfer back to the hospital baby peacock was born in we were allowed home not before we were told that this time baby peacock was being treated for suspected meningitis not just an infection we were lead to believe and it was the receptionist that informed us.

Since than baby peacock has had to have brain scans, lots of hearing test and specialist appointments. If he was ill I had to take him to a&e because normal doctors wouldn't see him while he was under one of the top specialist children's doctor. All the appointments where mainly because baby peacocks brain was starved of oxygen was so long they were worried he may have delayed development.

Well despite such a rocky start baby peacock has one from strength to streaky with his learning and development he was assessed at 2 and a half to 3 years at his 2 year assessment. He can count to 10 On his own and he can actually count how many items he has I.e 3 cars etc as long as it doesn't go past 10. His coming out with more words every days and putting more and more sentences together we can actually have mini conversations with him. He come such a long way and for every mile stone he approached he met them head on so all our worry was for no reason, he showed us.

On Friday baby peacock had his 6 monthly appointment with his specialist. Being the little star he is he shone bright during his appointment showing the dr how smart and sociable he is. Talking and singing, smiling and laughing. the doctor was so impressed he has finally discharged us from the hospital as he said baby peacock has developed better than he could imagine. This was the same doctor that was caring for baby peacock while he had his cardic arrest. He was there for the worst and now he seem how far he has come he was also proud of our little man. Due to his connection he gave us his number and said he would be more than happy to see baby peacock if we ever had any concerns he would be happy to help.

With this excellent news we celebrated by having KFC ( not good for mission yummy mummy but is a favourite of my boys ) and a trip to Heaton park. The weather may have been freezing but we wrapped up warm and had a good walk/ run about. We even got to feed the pigs who where aptly named Derek ad Rodney trotter. We fed them bananas with the permission of the farm keepers. It was lovely to hear Baby peacock tell daddy "pig eating nana with skin on". It was a lovely day.

This means now our little dude can be treated medically like any normal child, it means no more appointment to be Messed and prodded at. It's also a new chapter in his life. He has nothing to proof now he's a happy normal little boy who just had a rocky start to life.

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