Friday 1 February 2013

#missionyummumummy : first week back to basic results

Last night was my first weigh in since going back to basic. I was confident that I would have a Loss since I followed the plan to the letter. I weighed all foods that needed to be weight and didn't guess, I rechecked all my synned food before eating it and not presuming I already know the value I even over filled my plate with super free food just to make sure I don't under cut the 1/3 plate rule. I even went down the geeky route and as well as writing everything down I also highlighted the different elements of the plan to make it easier to see if I have balance between everything right.

In a nutshell I have had a great week diet wise and it hasn't been a struggle or felt out of normal which is always a plus since my plan is to make this the way my daily diet will be for life. I've not been face d with any major obstacles apart from lunch with a friend last week which was soon over come. I also treated myself to a new lunch bag for work so I have no excuse not to take my lunch with me.

The main thing that is lacking and is alway lacking its exercise I really have trouble fitting it in my day, that needs to change and quick. Last summer I started going for walks in the evening to help. This year I will definitely be taking that up again. I just need to add something now. I have a wii fit, I have a collection of fitness DVD and I even have things recorded from the fitness channel so I don't really have an excuse apart from time which I need to make to do it. That will definitely have to be the next thing I will concentrate on.

After this fab week my lost is.......1.5lb

This might not seem like a lot to some but I am over the moon with this. I didn't got to weigh in last week and I know would have had a gain so it means I have pulled back any damage I did and some. I'm hoping for a great lost next week.

After weigh in last night I got home and my husband had ordered dominoes as a weigh in night treat. Instead of being good and declining I had a few slices so today trying success express to pull back the damage. It's also my husbands birthday on Tuesday and we have a lovely day of fun planned. I'm having it as a flexi syn day To keep me on track but ill do success express on Wednesday to again override any damage. This will all help keep my in control and keep me focused otherwise I know I will just go overboard that how I got to the way I am in the first place. That all going to change.

Here's to another great week.


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