Thursday 7 February 2013

I love my life, even if you don't.

Recently I had a "conversation" with someone regarding my relationship with my husband and my parenting skills. They were under the impression that I am an over protective mother who sits at home staring at a wall with my husband by my side who does the same..... Now they didn't actually say this, I got the impression that this was there opinion of me and my life in a nutshell.

Yes I don't let my son say out, no me and my husband don't go out a lot, no we don't really drink at home and yes our life does revolve round our little man. My response..........

So what!!!!

Childish response I know but I don't see how people can judge mine and my families life. Were happy, all of us and if I'm honest I love my life and feel very lucky to have such an amazing little family who make me smile.

Lets address some of the "issue" I ment to have.

I don't let my son stay out.
He 2 years old why does he need to stay out??? the only place he would end up is at nanna daydreams where he goes back to sleep in his bed there at 5.30am after daddy peacock has dropped him off on the way to work most week days. So if idid let him stay out wouldn't it have the same result as To what i do now???

Most of my friends and family who have children don't have there children stay out until there at least in school mainly for the same reason as me they just end up at there grandparents. If this was going to cause some social problem in there school live were they cant stay out I'm sure staying at there grandparents a few times will not make a difference of them liking staying out at a strange house or being home sick. Im unsure how this makes me an over protective mother???

When my little dude was born he had suspected meningitis and spent the first 16 days of his life in hospital, we nearly lost him but he fought to be here. This may make me a bit more neurotic than most but who's to say if i had a healthy birth with him i wouldn't still be the same???
The truth is I like having him home, I love being woken up by him shouting mummy in the morning and when he first sees me he says in his sweetest morning voice morning mummy. These are times I want to treasure because he will be grown up before I know it. Staying out at friends houses and not wanting to know me so I'm making the most of this time with him. I chose to have him so why would I want to palm him off on someone else. We're both working parents so cherish the time we have with our little dude and its obvious when he realises he has us for a whole day and he not going to nanna and grandads he get excited. To me this equals a happy family.

Me and my husband don't got out a lot.
Me and my amazing husband have been together since we were 18. We are collage sweethearts and always say we kind of grew up together. We did the partying all night thing were your so drunk it takes days to sober up again. We've had amazing romantic couples holidays and weekend breaks. We've also had lots of date nights in between. We had 8 fantastic years of it just being the 2 of us. When we because parents we have been married for over a year and ready to become the 3 of us and put our social life in storage for a few years. Children are not children forever and as I keep saying we chose to have a family and knew we would sacrifice some of the things we loved to do but for a worthy cause.

All that said we don't just sit and stare at our little treasure we make the most of our time together. He love each others company. When our little dude in bed we play games, have romantic home cooked meals or snuggle watching a film together.
I'm lucky to have found my soul mate and were happy in our own skin and in our relationship. Why do we need to go out all the time to proof it. We do have the occasional date night out and we do make the most of it. Nanna daydream comes over to our house to babysit. I still put baby peacocks to bed but that's because I love story time with him again a time I treasure.

As well as finding time for each other we love spending time with our little dude taking him to places we love or trying somewhere new for all of us. An added bonus to being parents is going to places designed for kids that we couldn't go to before we had little dude because we just looked sad ha ha ha.

As for drinking we've not been big drinkers since we were younger. Daddy peacock loves to drive everywhere and I don't like drinking alone. Neither of us need a drink to have a good time. We still have the ability to make each other laugh that good enough for me.

Over all I'm not worried about my "pathetic" life, Neither should others. We are happy the way we are and were not in any rush to change. Our little boy and any other children we may be blessed to have
Will only be children for so long before there out with friends and not wanting to hang out with us. We're making this time count with them, there's no turning back the clock we only have now. When our children do grow up thats when we can have our time again like nanna daydream and grandad grumps. They spent years being parents and working hard. Now there enjoying being grandparents and going on lots of holidays. What great role models.

Im proud to be a wife, I'm even prouder to be a mummy and I'm lucky to have an amazing husband who I have a brilliant marriage with and were lucky to have such a clever, smart, happy and content little boy. What more could a women want. I love them both with all my heart and I know they both love me too. So what of our lives revolve round each others we not harming anyone were just being a family.


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