Sunday 20 January 2013

Mummies girly night out

I had my first girlie night out without hubby and toddler in tow for at least 9 months. I'm not much of a going out person anymore I do love my home comforts and spending time with my beautiful little family. I'm lucky to have an amazing husband to spend my evening with and treats me like a princess why would I want to leave that???

when I do go out I spend the night boring people talking about my family and feeling incredible guilty about being away from them. I alway think that something's going to happen when I'm not there to hold the pieces together..... It never does though they manage.

All that said it is nice to get out occasionally and with the right people for company a good night is always had. I still miss my family like mad but the odd night out doesn't hurt.

A few months ago when It was announced that the lion king was going to be on at the palace theatre in Manchester It wasn't long before I got a message from my best friend arranging a girlie night to see it. We are all huge big kids and massive disney fans so it was only natural that we all go together.

Fast forward to the morning of the show, me and daddy peacock were both working that day so it was military operations to get ready and out the house and everyone where they needed to be. We dropped h off first at my mums aka nanna daydream at 7.30am, H was going to be staying at nanna daydreams until daddy peacock finished work at 9pm so it was going to be a long day for all concerned. Normally when we drop h off he kisses and cuddles us good bye and goes on with his day. This morning was the morning he decided he wanted to be clingy he cuddles me so tight and started to cry..... This obviously broken heart and knowing I would not be seeing him till morning made me feel even more guilty. We left nanna daydreams with h still upset but I knew he would be fine getting lots of nanna and grandad cuddles. Me on the other hand had a good little cry on my way to work.

The day at work dragged as it always does when your waiting to finish and get your evening started. At 4pm I was out the door and on my way to meet the girls for cocktails and pre show snacks. I made a cheeky little call to nanna daydream to see how h was who was playing on grandad grumps ipad and had forgot about me. I felt slightly less guilty and my night could begin.

After meeting the girls and filling them in on my day we found a bar close to where we were seeing the lion king. A stroke of luck the cocktails were 2 for 1 which went down nicely so we stocked up on little miss sunshine order a sharing platter and got our night into full swing nattering, laughing and just enjoying each others company . It was nice to kick back and relax.

The time came to move on to the palace to watch the show we had been waiting for. There was a few wobbly steps along the way as the cocktail had got to one off us and for once it wasn't me (which it usually is).

We found our seats and waiting for the show to begin. As he lights went down and the music started I instantly got goose bumps it was amazing the colours, the music the singing and the way it was all played out. it wasn't long before I became over whelmed started crying and after glancing over at the others I wasn't the only one. The whole show was amazing you could sense the emotion of the story throughout. The start wasn't the only place where a tear was shed. As corny as it sounds you really have to see it to experience it.

When the show was over I noticed on my phone I had a few missed calls from nanna daydream and daddy peacock I instantly panicked. Daddy peacock called while I was looking at my phone but I couldn't hear him so shouted I would call him Back when I get out and put the phone down as I did nanna daydream called by this time we were in a quieter area so I answered my phone again, my mum must have sensed I was a bit worried and explained that hubby had finished work late and h had called fast asleep in the car so he was coming to pick we up so I didn't have to get a taxi home. My instant thought was relief that everything was ok, my second was how amazing my hubby was to travel all the way to the centre of Manchester on a saturday night on a freezing cold night after a 13 hours shift at work to come and get me........ That's why I love that man.

The rest of the night was spent with me rabbiting on and on about night to a very sleepy daddy peacock.

Overall I had a brilliant night and we have already planned our next night a girlie night in playing disney scene it, drinking cocktails and putting the world to right. He one thing I love about friends is we may not live in each others pockets or speak on the phone everyday but when we do see each other its always a great time and we pick up where we left off. That's real friendship.


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