Friday 11 January 2013

Little dudes 2 year assessment

Today H had his 2 year assessment. Before we went in I let him have a wonder round the waiting room this was so he didn't get impatient waiting, there were other children there and he straight away started playing with them.

When the Hv called us in Harrison was rearing to go. While I was talking to the hv telling her who we are and answering some questions, h had sat himself down and started completing the puzzles which was the first assessment which not only impressed the hv but me too.

Through out his assessment h went from strength to strength, showing off his skills and chatting away, the hv said he was such a pleasure which I have to admit he really is.

The overall result is that h is at 30-36 months level which I'm happy with. H was born with suspected meningitis Andover my concerned with his development at all he is a pleasant and sociable little boy who impresses me everyday.

The reason why this is so important to us is because h had a cardiac arrest at less than 24 hours old. development has always been an issue with dr etc because his brain was starved of oxygen. they always warned me he might not meet milestones etc but at every milestone he proved them wrong, which I'm sure they don't mind.

As parents being told your child MAY have learning difficulties or your child MAY have delayed development you do worry and you do watch your child like a hawk looking for problems that are not there. In the end he Los a normal happy health 2 years old as his mummy I couldn't be more prouder.

Obviously I do take some credit but I can't thank my mum enough. While me and daddy peacock are at work h spends his days with nanna day dream who does spend a lot of time with him, playing with him which obviously helps his development and helps Harrison get that personal 1:1 which I thinks so important throughout a child's life.

I've been judged in the past because H doesn't go to nursery and he will become anti social due to only having adults as company but to all those that judge me and my husbands choice, my little boy is so sociable he can make friends in a room full of strangers in minuets. He has lots of first and 2nd cousins and we take him to play groups and soft plays on our days off so in my opinions he's getting the best all round and were lucky to be in that position where he can have the time with his nanna and still benefit from playing with children of all ages. The money we save on nursery fees get spent on days out. It's obvious H isn't suffering. Obviously I would be best of I was a stay at home mum but that's not an option at this moment in time unfortunately.

Once again I'm so proud of my little dude for his fight for life and his strength. He is amazing and a true pleasure to be around.

I am one proud mummy


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