Saturday 12 January 2013

Going potty about potty training

Now that h has reached 2 years old it has been bothering me that he's not potty trained yet. I hear people saying they've trained there toddlers before there 2 and I think how?????

I bought Harrison a potty after an incident where his 4 year old cousin ( who has been trained since he was 18months ) decided to use a potty in his grandparents ( my parents) conservatory for a poo because he couldn't be bothered going upstairs to the toilet one summer afternoon while playing in the garden. My mum caught him but because h was watching intently nanna daydream couldn't make any sort of deal about it so not to put h off. H was 20months at the time and idolises everything his cousins do so from then he would get the potty out at nanna daydreams and just sit on it so I bought him one for our house to get the ball rolling so I thought........ This wasn't the case.

I've tried to get him to sit on it at bath time and make a fuss for him just sitting on it which resulted in him sitting on it standing up and clapping..... No wee wee except beside it on the floor.

I've even tried to play catch the wee wee which resulted in him being confused and my carpet getting wee weed on again!!!

I decided to speak to friends who children are not potty trained and that are older than h is now. They have all advised me that He will let me know when he ready and not to rush him because it can cause more problems an be harder and more stressful. I do understand where there coming from but I worry because I work I can spend the time teaching him everyday i feel like i need to be on top of the game so that between me, daddy peacock and nanna daydream we can support h without confusing him...... Was I over thinking this?????

Well bearing all the above in mind while getting ready for a bath a few nights ago h asked "go wee wee on toy-let" as he put it so I took off his nappy and with all his might he tried for a wee wee which he eventually managed. Yay!!! When he was done we made a huge fuss , clapping and yaying . We were so proud. This must have made an impression on h because the next day when I went for a wee he made the same fuss over me clapping his hands a yaying me which if I'm honest after being potty trained for 26ish years myself was nice to be re recognised for my good work lol.

Now every night since at bath time we sit h on the toilet for a wee sometime he manages it sometimes nothing and sometime we just miss it and he wees in the bath. Not ideal but its still early days. So we've decide to skip the potty all together and go straight to the toilet as he seems to have caught onto that better. We're also gonna take it slow and just do it bit by bit n than when we've got a week off see how he is and give it a full on go and if he not ready reel it back a little and try again later on.

The most important thing is not to stress ourselves out or h because like my friends say it makes it harder. I'm not sure we're doing right but like every part of parenting its completely trial and error so we will have to wait and see.

As for the potty we've decided not to use h now uses it to sit in the bathroom on playing in his toy phone..... I don't know where he gets it from but I'm blaming daddy peacock.


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