Saturday 5 January 2013

Our selfish Christmas

In a previous blog I talked about the peacock family having a selfish Christmas, not having the usual guest and just having a little family Christmas. We did it yay!!!

Christmas started when I arrived home from work late Christmas Eve night to my beautiful family. We started our traditions than some old and some new. We opens a present each which was surprise surprise a pair of pj each ( old tradition) and Harrison got to open an extra one which was the night before Christmas (new tradition). We told Harrison these were little extra present that mummy and daddy wrap to get ready for Father christmas.

After we all had a bath we snuggle up in Harrison room and read the night before Christmas I bought it in a cardboard book so it would last us years to come and also so Harrison and hold it and explore it better. He recognised Father Christmas an enjoyed the poem too.

Once Harrison was tucked up in bed waiting Santana visit mummy and daddy snook down stairs and had a little Christmas tipple before heading to bed ourselves.

The day started early with a poorly Harrison getting into mummy and daddy bed for some cuddles. Me and Harrison fell back to sleep but an over excited daddy decided e wanted to get up and see if Santa had been. We all went downstairs together (daddy peacock snook downstairs to turn the Christmas lights on for effect and came back up)
Father Christmas had been and was very generous too we must all have been good boys and girls.

After opening our presents and lots of pictures taken we moved on to breakfast which me and daddy peacock enjoyed a buck fizz with as there was no one that needed picking up. Harrison just stuck to pure orange juice he got a lot of toy cars for Christmas therefore would be doing lots of driving. ( sorry bad joke we said a lot on Christmas Day)

Once breakfast was over it was time to get dressed and get the turkey on. Now for some reason in my family we pride ourselves on cooking our turkeys all having our own methods. So I got to work on mine. We opted for a turkey crown which I smothered in butter and bacon sal and pepper. It was only a small one do would only take an hour an a half to Cook. During the cooking process I rotated it every half and hours to get the juices round it. ( told you we took turkey cooking seriously)

While the dinner was cooking we got the usual merry Christmas phone calls, this year we also got Christmas FaceTime this was used more to asses and judge each others turkeys though.

After dinner was over we pulled crackers I was all set to finally win against Harrison but he won every time which sums up I am just a weakling When it comes to pull crackers

After toy playing and Christmas Day naps along with eating lots of chocolate etc the day was coming to an end and we put Harrison to bed at his normal time because he was poorly even though we had Agreed to let him say up on grist as day I just wanted him to get some rest and get better soon.

Once Harrison was In bed me and daddy peacock got slightly merry, watching the Christmas special than called it a night.

Over all it was a nice day, a lot quieter than we are use to but it was a lot less stressful.

Would we do it again..... Probably, we will see. X

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