Friday 9 November 2012

this year im having a selfish christmas

last year i was battling working, shopping, arranging a large family christmas dinner and planining h first birthday party. due to all these i felt like christmas the most magical time of year passed me by. i hated every miniuet that i missed and rescented the whole occation. this year i had to make some big descions for it not to happen again. its not fair on my family to have to put up with a stressed and irratated mummy at a time where we should all be making precious memories. 

i decieded i would get my christmas shopping done nice and early which i have as of today i completed it yay! i have made my aplogies to my family and asked that they make other arrangements for christmas day this year so that me and my little family can have our day togeather. we also have decided to keep harrison birthday low key and make it more fun for him rather than everyone else and since hes at the age where the most exciting thing in the world is a day with his mummy and daddy thats what we shall do.

to some this may seem really selfish that we are doing things just us but for the past 6 years i have made sure everyone else christmas is perfect and not give much thought to my own christmas. when i was 9 months pregnant and only a day out of hospital with suspected pre elampisa i was running around cooking a 3 course christmas dinner for everyone as well as running around picking people up so that they can drink and enjoy there time without even any help with the cleaning up. now all that said i will find another ways to involve everyone in harrison christmas for example my mum always hosts a boxing day party and since i have boxing day off this year i will be able to attend and we can have a second christmas there and before it starts we will visit auntie emma to dropped off presents. it the best of both worlds than for us all, especially when i start resenting the fact that everyone else gets to spend christmas with my little family and i dont and even more so because all these people either dont work or because of there jobs have christmas off and dont take a thought that i have worked late nights, long days and extra days because of my job than spend all day playing little miss hostess.

next year may be a completel diffrent story, i may have won the lottory, i may be in a different job i may even have a completely diffrent family situation so for now we will see how this year goes and make our desicion for next year, next year. i just felt that for this year i needed to make a decision to be selfish for my sanity before i became the crinch even though some of you may think thats exactly what im being but trust me everyone who usually comes to mine have other alternitive so dont feel sorry for them because im not and i have made my apologies and if they really cared they would see that its my time to spend with my little family.

as for my little familys christmas were going to have an exciting moring exchanging gifts watching christmas films and are hoping to book somewhere for a meal so that there is not a minuet of  fun being missed cooking turkeys, peeling spuds,setting tables and rememberiung who wans what etc. when we get home with full tummies more tv christmas specials and family fun playing with new toys etc. it will also be a nice much needed rest day to for us all.

i actually looking forward to this christmas so roll on the coca cola adverts xxxx

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