Sunday 11 November 2012

Mummy will go to the ball

Last night me and daddy peacock had a very rare night out planned, we were going to the third annual charley standfeild- maher cherubs ball. A charity ball to raise money and awareness CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) and cherubs.

The theme of the ball was glitz and glamour and as I said earlier it was a rare night out so we wanted to make the most of it. I bought a new dress, daddy peacock got a dinner suit, I did my hair, daddy peacock had a shave, I made my face up with all the make up I always want to wear but save for "best", daddy peacock had a wash. So with the pair of us suited and booted in our best attire we were ready for our night out.

Daddy peacocks not much of a drinker so he decided to drive which I do like because we don't have to wait for taxi and we get home in no time, plus there's always a suitable person there just encase. Driving down I was getting into the party spirit and really looking forward to a catch up with people I've not seen for ages, a good dance a spending some time with daddy peacock as husband an wife.

Than 5 minuets away from our destination our car stops working and smoke started coming from the engine.
This was all we needed especially on the slip road on the motorway in full glitz and glamour mode. Daddy peacock jumped out and and assessed the situation in his black dinner suit and realised it was a job for the AA. it was looking like mummy and daddy wasn't going to the ball.

Within 30 minuets of calling the AA I seen flashing lights and thought yay were saved as the men got out the van and spoke to daddy peacock They came over to me and said you need to phone the AA back I was confused and said but your the AA the guy look so offended and I couldn't understand why so I looked at daddy peacock who looked embarrassed and said these are the highway police. Oops my bad. All I could do we apologies and tell them I haven't got my glasses on.

Despite me offending them, when we told them where we were heading they offered to toe our car there as it was A lot safer than where we currently were and easier to tell the AA where we had moved to so off we went. Maybe mummy and daddy would get to the ball after all.

As we pulled into Denton golf club car park the AA was behind us yay maybe there was some light at the end of the tunnel or maybe not. The AA man found that the car needed a new gasket and lots of other things to do with that great.

The AA left the car in the car park and said he would give us 48 hours to decided where we wanted it to e taken so we decided to go into the ball get warm and make a plan from there.

We made the ball but it was over shadowed with worry of the pricey repair bill. After few drinks ( on my side) we had decided the best thing to do was get a new car. Which relaxed us more and we stated to enjoy the ball.

We arrived on time to have our second course and desert which was scummy and daddy peacock cheered up even more when he won a bidding war in the auction for a signed football shirt... What ever floats your boat. We had a good boogy and decide instead of getting a taxi home we would go home in our own car by getting the AA to come and get us.

After a long wait in our car for the AA we finally arrived home at 4am going to bed at 5am as we got in to bed we both agreed that despite everything that had happened that night we still had a good night at the ball.

Next chapter car shopping.

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