Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bonfire night traditions

Since being a child I have loved bonfire night. For many reasons, the smells, the time of year but most of all the traditions.

As a kid bonfire night was always a night that we made an effort for. On the lead up to bonfire night we would always go to friends and families houses who were having a bonfire party but actual bonfire nigh QA always reserved for Heaton parks bonfire night which we went to every year with out fail.

We would start the evening by filling our tummies with a big bowl of stodgy warming food be it potato hash, beef stew or chilli served with crust bread. Yum. For dessert we would tuck into pomegranates which was a real treat because they were harder to get hold of than.

We would than put on our warmest woollies- hat, gloves and scarves ( scarf always had to cover your mouth because of the smoke) our warmest ( but not our best ) coats and and a pair of Wellie's. one of m parents woi

Once we were were all sweating by being layered up in the house it was time to leave. With a bonfire lolly in our mouth pie walk began. We lived so close to the park we would always walk there which was all part of the excitement once we came off our street we would see other families on there walk to the park. I always remember the walk to the actual firework display in he park. It was a Long walk down a dark path, it was never vary because off all the other people there and we always use our halloween touches to light our way.

We would always arrive early enough to get out goodies from the stands toffee apples and candy floss was alway the sweets of choice. With these find a good place to watch the fireworks and the bonfire. Once we were nice and settled we would get the sparklers out my favourite was always the coloured ones and it was a lucky dip what colour you would get. That was all part of the fun.

The fireworks never went off on time but when they did they were always amazing and never disappointed. I love the noises the crowd would make all the oohs and aha and the huge round of applause when it was all over. After the firework were over they would light the bonfire which we would stab and watch for a bit and than make our way to the fair. Always stopping at the roasted chestnut stall.

We never really had a go on the fair because it was too cold and the cues were always huge but a walk around to soak up the atmosphere than we would head home. Head buzzing from the fireworks and sweet treats.

There are a few memories that stick out to me more than others.

Sitting on my dads shoulders one year because the fireworks were on the boating lake.

My mum winning a competition answering a questions because she was noticeable in her reflective jacket. The competition was sponsored by time out and key 103. I can't actually remember what she won but that year they were giving out free bovril to warm people up.

Now I'm older I still stick to some of those traditions I still go to Heaton park to watch the fireworks but with my little family in toe making new memories with them too.

For Harrison first bonfire night last year he was only 9 months so all wrapped up in his woollies he was strapped to daddy peacock on the harness and enjoyed them.

This year was no exception. I made a huge pan of chilli and jackets potatoes ( in the oven of course) and took it down to nanna day dream and grandad grumps , where we all had a bonfire feast. Grandad grumps had made his famous rock cakes after at least 10 years. They were still as good as we remember them.

After filling out tummies we went into he garden to light sparklers. Harrison thought they were magic and got very excited shouting wow and yay when we made shapes with them.

All wrapped up warm we walked down to the park. Harrison went in his buggy because I'm an over caution mummy so it was more for me than him.

Harrison loved the fireworks the bangs never bothered him at all than he watched transfixed with mummy ad daddy by his side. Nanna day dream was making sound effect for some unknown reason making us all laugh.

Overall I still love bonfire night and will continue with all of tradition and look forward many more.

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