Monday 12 November 2012

My lovely week off with my beautiful family

Last week I took my last holiday of the year from work before Christmas kicks in and the new year starts. Daddy peacock was having a rest week as he finished one job to start a sparkly new one, which means we could enjoy a family week off.

We didn't go on as many adventures as we normally would but we did spend some much needed family time which is all that matters really.

This was bonfire night so we went to Heaton park with nanna day dream and auntie emma who has started calling herself auntie book????? We have no idea why. The had an amazing time following tradition from when I was a little girl.

We described to have a much needed stay at home day, we watched DVDs and place lots of games. The weather was horrible so this seemed like the perfect day to take advantage of being at home in our warm house

As well as beengiven a lovely lie in from daddy peacock and little dude we took a trip to Cheshire where we went to see lots of fishes at the blue planet aquarium which we all loved especially little dude.

from the blue planet aquarium we drove over to Chester oaks for a spot of retail therapy which ended with little dude getting MORE cars from a toy shop which he more than deserved just by being cute and pulling my hand and taking me to see all the dots of the floor going look mammy dare spot, another spot, he found this more fun despite being in a shop full of toys.
He did how ever see the car we bought took them from the shelve sat down and said sit mammy patted the floor and said open, play. How could I not buy him the cars after that. ( I know I'm a sucker)

After we ha finished out retail therapy we than head over to nandos for some food. We than headed home with fully tummies, a sleeping little dude and lovely memories and pictures of the day

Little dude and I had a play date, We left daddy peacock at home to revise for his new job.

For our play date we met my lovely friend Lindsey and her little girl Victoria we went to an activity centre. Little dude loved the ball pit and climbing hight and higher with mammy than slidding down on out bums. He also loved the giant balls as running into them which I have to admit I did too.

We were there pretty much all day so when we got home we were extremely sleepy so it was early baths and bed for us all.

This was errand day, all the thing we had been putting off all week had to be done, we also finished off our Christmas shopping so treated ourself to a trip to Frankie and Bennys.

This turned out to be our cleaning days due to me as daddy peacock going to a ball so we tidied and cleaned the house while playing with little dude who loved helping us clean.

We had a trip down to see nanna and grandad where we seen auntie Nic , uncle Ste and big cousins joe and Ben who Little dude idolises.

Since mummy and daddy where going to the ball nanna daydream came home with us and played with little dude while we got ready, than she bathed little dude but he didn't want nanna day dream to put him to bed so daddy peacock dressed in a dinner suit minus the jack ready little dude a story than put him to bed.

We had drama before and after the ball but that's another blog ( )

Due to the drama of Saturday night me and daddy peacock only got home at 4 am but thankfully little dude slept till 9am so we got a little bit of sleep. Poor nanna daydream stayed over so she never got much sleep either.

After breakfast we did our 2 minuet silent for all our fallen solders than got dressed ready to go car shopping. Thankfully nanna peacock offered to stay at our house to look after little dude so he didn't get board.

When we had bought our car a very tiered mummy and daddy went home. To find grandad grumps had come to play too and also take nanna daydream home.

The 3 of us spend the rest of the day watching films snuggled up on the sofa. Than again early baths and bed for us all.

Over all its been an amazing week many people would find our week boring and a bit pointless but to us it was perfect we got I spend time with each other, relax, play with a bit of adventure thrown in.

We got to see little dude learn to count to 10 and see his speaking improve we also got to just enjoy time together. with daddy peacocks new job and Christmas fast approaching this may be our last chance to spend really time together till next year so we made the most of it. It may not have helped my mission to be a yummy mummy but it was only a week.

We now have our new car, Christmas and a certain little dudes birthday to look forward to so roll on the good times.


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