Monday 12 November 2012

123, 456..... Learning to count

Last week baby peacock aka little dude learnt how to count, he can count up to 10 sometimes on his own sometimes with a little prompting.

Obviously this is a proud mummy moment, I'm not sure if this is advance for his age or if he is behind or even just right but to me he amazing and that's all that matters.

I am quite a lazy parent and having fun and enjoying activities we are doing is more important to me than sitting down and making him memorise every capital of the world, i prefer to sit and colour, do messy play or jump into our imaginations with his cars. we don't sit for hours on end watching Spanish language DVDs and learning the piano but I believe that what we do is still educational but not in an obvious way. For example Harrison is become a great talker and I really believe that reading with his attributes to this

The out come is I have a pleasant, funny, smart well mannered little boy who can have his cheeky moments but overall is a pleasure to be with and around. I believe he will learn things in good time. When he starts school than that's when we will sit down and teach but for now I want him to enjoy his child hood because your a grown up for a long time.

As for where he got counting from. That will be a mix of us counting things with him I.e stairs, cars, steps etc and dare I say it num tums from cbeebies.

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