Sunday 4 November 2012

Being a working mum sucks

I've not been a very good blogger of late due to a busy work schedule and not enough hours in the day. Aswell as blogging I've missed, its also real quality time with my baby boy Harrison.

by the time we finally all get home there's only enough time for a quick bath, story and bed. This has been pulling at my heart so much, but in this double dip Recession needs must and I'm lucky to be in a job...... That still doesn't help how much I miss my little dude though.

What's really stuck out for me though is that is how much harrison has come on in a the 4 weeks I've been back at work. we can have more conversation with each other, he singing more, he can tell me what things are and tell me what he wants. I have noticed this in the short time I get with him on an evening but it is more apparent the longer I spend with him.

What is also more apparent how happy he is when I'm at home. Don't get me wrong he loves his nanna daydream and grandad grumps to bits but you can definitely tell he loves being at home with is mummy and daddy. He is so much more happy, excited and loveing. This definitely pulls at my heart strings more than I thought possible.

The problem is what to do. As a family we can't afford to live on just one wage especially when daddy peacock is starting his new job next week which comes with a 6 months training/ trial period so becoming a stay at home mummy is not an option. Jobs are definitely not easy to come by so switching jobs isn't easy either.

The only option I can see possible is making the limit time I do get with my little dude more worth while. Full it with play and laughter, Adventures and lessons, cuddles and stories. All the things I dream about doing with him if I was a stay at home mum.

I know every working mum probably feels the same way as I do. It is hard but its something we need to do for the family and ourselves.


  1. I know what u mean. I'm exactly the same. As u know I worked in blackpool and used to go 2 sometime 3 days without seeing Shem. I used to leave him with tears running down my cheeks. Now I'm closer to home I now see him everyday still hurts to leave him but at least I'll see him at the end of every shift unfortunately as a single parent I have to work but I'm very lucky to be in the job I'm in as we can do nice things when we both off!

  2. so true if we cant be with them than make the most of the time we have with them because it goes to quickly. i obviously dont do the long hours you do but know what you mean about it hurting to leave them.

    lets hope for a big win on the lottery so we can spoil our little men with lots of attention and time.


  3. I tried to get something off the euro million last night only got 1 number. Unfortunately I had to go to work today lol
