Friday 26 October 2012

My blogging absence.

I haven't blog at all for the last few weeks this is due to having an extremely stressful few weeks and not having time to do anything but work and do mummy, house and wife duties.

One part of the stress comes from a place that I unexpected. My uncle passed away 2 weeks ago today from brain and lung cancer. He was give. 5 weeks to live 5 weeks previously to his passing. In that time I went with my mum to see him and was grateful iI got to say good bye while he was still the uncle Paul I remember.

I wasn't as close to Paul as I am to my other 2 maternal uncles but he was still my uncle and I love him all the same. It's not my uncles passing that has caused the stress but his family they have turned a time which should be for grieving into a drama. This has cause a lot of upset for my family I see it in my mum she its tired and drained from it all and from what she tells me its the same for all her brothers and sisters too. It's upsetting seeing my mum like this.

This time shouldn't be about money and arguing over the passed and that's what it has become. I'm not in any off the arguments but I know plenty about them and have seen the effect taking its toll on those I love. This plays on my mind daily. All the way my uncle has been treated. It's discusting especially by his own children ad partner.

Finally my uncle will be laid to rest next Thursday I can't wait till its all over and he can rest in peace away from all that's going on he can finally join my nanna. As the poem goes that on the grave he links shall be joined again.

Another stress feast is work things aren't going great plus I'm working more days than normal so between that and the circumstances at home I would quite happily dig a whole and hide in it.

In other news I'm still going to slimming world and mission yummy mummy is still on. I will be a yummy mummy. It's not been a great week this week but I back to basic. Food diary at the ready to keep track and stay on track and spot any bad behaviours I may have not noticed.

I have also started my Christmas shopping. I plan I be organised and get it over and done with as soon as possible so I can enjoy as much I Christmas with my family as I can.

I've got loads more to blog about so till next time

Mummy peacock


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