Wednesday 3 October 2012

Over caution vs to be on the safe side

Yesterday I had my review with my gp to return back to work I'm still in a lot of discomfort so she thought I needed some extra time but during her examination she noticed that I was tender in my back, I explain that's how far the drain went back but because I had a temperature she sent me to the hospital for investigation to make sure I didn't have a blood clot.

Now I didn't think for one moment that I had a blood clot because I had no other symptoms and I've tried to stay as mobile as possible to help my recovery quicker but my gp wanted to be on the save side which is fair enough I respect that.

What I didn't like was being passed between a head nurse an 3 doctors and a 4 hours wait on ward 7. Each doctor I had, I had to answer the same bunch of question over and over again. are your legs sore or swollen, have you coughed any blood, do you have a family history of DVT , why was you sent to the unit and the list goes on. No one wanted to own the desion that I was clear, it was as if it was easier if I actually had something. I explained over and over again the pain an swelling on my back was from the drain, they had an X-ray to show all clear and my blood work was fine so why was it so hard to make the decision and waste time on me what there were people who could actual benefit from there time.

When they finally said I was fine ad discharged me I apologised for wasting there time and I thought my gp was bring over caution the doctor sat me down again and said that he was glad the gp sent me there for investigation because its better be be safe than sorry. Which kinda does make sense after all the above because what would have happened of my gp listened to me and sent me home when there was an actual clot in my lung? There could have been a different turn out.

I am overall grateful that there are people looking out for me dispute all my moaning about waiting I understand it was all the make sure I was ok. In the end I was.


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