Wednesday 3 October 2012

My mr chatter box

Since Harrison was able to coo he has had a lot to say he was alway chatting away in his own baby talking away an we were alway happy to babble alone with him having retry conversion or listen to Harrison stories of goo goo ga ga. we always said web he learns to talk we won be able to stop him.

I'm a right chatter box now and as a kid nanna daydream says I was always chatting away to anyone that would listen and if I wasn't talking I was singing. My hubby on the other hand daddy peacock isn't very talkative and neither is any one in his family so much so that we joke his dad granddad peacock only says 5 words a year.

Now Harrison finding his words w can have real little conversation and he loves that we understand him. Everyday he saying more and more my favourite being mimmy see spider dare and he took my hand and pulled me to where the spider was and said again mimmy spider there. He melted my heart completely that I completely forgot I was terrified of spiders and let the eight legged freak creepy crawl off. I than asked Harrison what son we song about spiders and he started to do the action for incey wincey spider and put on his singing voice. I was such a lovely moment between us.

As well as a chatter box he loves to sing and now can copy the songs of his favourite cbeebies and disney junior programmes. Aswel as songs we've sang to him as a baby. He loves to song to himself too especially went he playing with his cars on the sofa he puts his head on the sofa watches the wheels go round of his cars while he pushes them and sings to himself. that usually when we know he's getting sleepy. He usually makes car noises and beeps when he plays with his beloved cars.

I do miss my goo goo-ing baby, but I am also enjoying watching my little man grow and develop in to the clever little boy he's becoming. His favourite word is no and he does use it as much as he can sometime I think he has a limit of how many times he needs to say it in a day and he has to hit that limit a day. I don't think he ever misses his target. He also loves playing the how much does mummy love you game. He says what I have said to him since he was a baby to the moon, wound ( round) the stars and back again all with the hand moments and a huge smile. I also have favourite word he say like when he runs up to me with his hand behind his back and say cuddles than spreads his arms put an wraps them tight behind me. Super cute. The way he shouts bath time when I'm running his bath or after he has blown his light out at night (a game we play) he say na night.

As you can tell I'm a very proud mummy but my little chatter boxes gives me lots of reason to be.


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