Friday 5 October 2012

#missionyummymummy my first week back

My first week back at slimming world has gone well. I've stayed on track, counted all my syns and planned ahead. The only day that I may of wobbled was on tue went I was sent to the hospital for investigation for a blood clot which turned out fine. I was in hospital for 4 hours in that they offered me lunch I chose an option I knew I could syn or close to, I chose a egg mayo sandwich on brown with no butter. There was hardly any mayo with the egg and the filling was very thin so hopfully I've synced it right.

The only thing that I've not done is stay active. Due to my op (I know I'm getting boring now) I've not been moving much because I've still been in a lot of pain and don't like venturing to far from the house on my own or with Harrison on my own. Yesterday daddy peacock was off work so we had a little walk round the park to ease me into walking. Planning on getting signed back into work next week and I'm a on my feet for most of the day so that helped its made me more tender today but if I do another onetime body can get use to it and ill be ready to go back to work and hopefully start exercising.

This week I have however been cooking a storm on my kitchen I have tried lots of new recipes from the new slimming world magazine. We've had pizza topped chicken, chicken kofta and chicken Provençal. We're having cowboy pie tonight how yummy do these all sound and they tasted just a good. I've also been trying out some others recipes I've come across searching through versions websites my favourite being slimming world style hash browns they were so easy to make and Got the daddy peacocks thumbs up which I a high honour in our house.

To top my week off I'm am on star week my first star week since before I fell pregnant with my little boy . For those who don't know what star week is its my period. Not only am I bloated but the cramps are also making my already tender tummy even worse. The up side to this is thanks to slimming worlds syns I can still have my chocolate fix to cheer me up.

So now for the results drum roll please ...... I've lost 4lb. Woohoo. I am happy with this result mainly because I haven't done any exercise at all an as I've mentioned Before I've not done much walking either. Next week I'm back in work this will help me be more active and stop me from wanting to snack.

The week ahead I'm going to carry on what I'm doing food wise and continue trying new recipes. I've found one for mug cake, I can wait to give that a go. Due to snacking a lot I'm going to up my water intake to see if that will do me snacking when I'm not hungry.
I got this tip of cafe bebe blog this morning who says its been helping them. So it's Definitely worth a try.

Here's to another good week, I'm aiming to get my half stone award at next weigh in . I will be a yummy mummy. Xxx

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