Tuesday 25 September 2012

nanna daydream to the resue

Due to my operation I’ve not been as mobile as I normally amand I’m not able to run round after Harrison as much as I would normally so alot of this has fallen on to daddy peacock as he has been off work for a week. Ithought I would be up and running and back to my normal self by the second  week but unfortunately due to my body notliking any of the staples that’s currently keeping my wounds together I’m stillnot there yet.
Daddy peacock went back to work yesterday so Sunday night mymum aka nanna daydream came to stay and to help me out for a few days. This wasa big help especially since she cleaned the house for me and helped me out witha poorly Harrison too. We are so lucky to have nanna daydream she does put herfamily before her own needs and lives for her grandchildren. She has Harrison forus when we are at work and takes nothing in return even though she saving usthousands of pounds in nursery fees she says she gains the pleasure of havingone to one time with her grandson, Harrison loves spending time with his nannatoo so we can argue with that.
I always say you never really appreciate your mum until youbecome a mum yourself and I still stick by that whole heartedly. It was provento us once again how much she does for us last week.  nanna daydream and granddad grumps were awayon holiday the day I had my operation so we were left to rely on family membersto help with Harrison normally we would just drop Harrison off at nannadaydreams and she would fee, bath and even put Harrison to bed what ever heneeded and we wouldn’t need to worry but this time we had to use family whichare not used to Harrison ways and routines and there fore left us slightlyworried and wanting to not leave him with them for too long especially knowing theyhave enough on there plates as it was. This caused us a little extra stress inan already worrying time but obviously couldn’t be helped because theoperations date came the day nanna daydream and granddad grumps flew to Spain. Eventhough they were far away they still stay very much in our day to day lives thanksto facetime and free wifi.
Back to this week and nanna daydream is back and up to hernormal daydream self. As I say she has helped a lot with cleaning my house andhelping with Harrison. The only thing I cant do really is pick Harrison upeasily and bending low this is mainly due to the surgical staples pulling and dragging.In return I have cooked nanna daydream meals and even sent some down to granddadgrumps who has lost his wife for a few days….. even though he says he like thebreak we all know he kidding.
Roll on Friday when I have the staples removed I can get mylife back to normal I already feel better in myself since that horrid  gall bladder has been removed. I do have to gofor an mri scan due to an escaped  stonewhich was blocking a duct the surgeon is not sure if he got it or if its stillrogue in my duct. If its there I will have to have another op, if not than allthis is over. Either way I know nanna daydream will be there to support us and take our childcare stress away. 

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