Sunday 23 September 2012

what would be in your fed ex boxes if you were a castaway?????

A lovely Sunday afternoon with my little family and we are sat watching castaway starring tom hanks for some reason we love this film, the idea of a film about a man living on an island with a ball to talk to doesn’t sound so appealing but its so intriguing watching this modern day mans day to day life of survival on a deserted island.
During the film tom hanks character chuck noland comes across some fed ex parcels which the cargo plane was carrying before it crashed leaving chuck stranded. In these parcels were items that tom customized to help make life more manageable on the island. These included ice skates which the blades were used to hunt and cut, a dress which lace was used as a net to fish, a volley ball which became his best friend called Wilson and video tapes where the actual tape was used as rope.
This got me thinking about the classic old question what would you take on a dessert island with you to help you survive? Or in castaway style what would you find in your fed ex boxes?
This is a tough one for me I was never a brownie or a girl guide and I have never been camping. I am a complete and utter city girl if you like. I love my electrical gadgets; I can’t life without my iphone, GHD hair straightners, hair dryer, kindle and the list goes on. Therefore being stranded on a dessert island I would definitely need those fed ex boxes so heres what would be in mine and why:-
·         A kitchen lighter and fluid. I chose a kitchen lighter  instead of a normal lighter because  I can’t use regular lighters 1, because I’m scared and 2, because I mustn’t have the hand eye coordination needed to make it work. The other reason why I chose a kitchen lighter is I haven’t a clue how to make fire, I know you rub sticks together but I also know that’s not all you do and there is a science involved so better be safe than sorry.
·         A pillow, if I’m going to be stuck on this island I would like to be comfy especially if I have to spend my days hunting food and living the good life I at least want a decent nights sleep to prepare me for the days ahead.
·         Pre loaded kindles all fully charged and charging packs included. I love to read and being on a deserted island away from lives dramas I like to enjoy a little of my time. I would also have some sort of guide on the kindle of how to survive on a deserted island. Obviously this will be pre loaded due to no wifi or 3G.
·         Chocolate, I am a woman after all and no women can survive without chocolate. This would have to be the biggest boxes of all the boxes of course.
·         Hair conditioner, all that sea water will damage my hair and since being on the island with give me a nice tan and working hard for my survival on a diet of fish and seaweed will give me a nice lean body for when I am rescued I want my hair looking good to, especially with the sun kissed highlights ill get free of charge, Ill need to make the most of the situation.
·         A huge fairy tale wedding dress, the net can be used to catch fish and the rest of the material can be used to make clothes and sheets, a multi purpose item.
·         Hubbys just reminded me that I may want to include something to cut things for example the wedding dress etc so I include a knife and scissors set in the boxes this will also come in handy for fire wood  and coconuts too, good thinking daddy peacock.
·         I would also like to find in a fed ex box a photobook that I ordered of my family. I know all soppy and would have to be a huge coincidence but I would be nice to have a little reminder of home. I know it’s also not an essential item of survival but I would definitely keep me going.
Well that’s my list, there a properly lots of none important ones but I think I have covered all bases of eat, sleep and general survival. I definitely wouldn’t make any sort of girl Friday and I do love my home comforts. Thinking about this definitely makes you appreciate what you have and how lucky we are. I would like to visit a dessert island one day but more as a holiday than end up a castaway, though a few hours alone wouldn’t be all that bad.
I asked daddy peacock what he would like to find in his fed ex boxes if he was stranded. His answer was simple a waterproof, solar powered satellite phone in one box and a can of coke and a packet of oreos in another while he waits…….

What would be in your fed ex box????

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