Monday 17 September 2012

my Birthday day out

saturday seen me turn 28 years young, im officailly getting old, i still feel 18 and some days i act like it too. well yesterday was no exception, when my hubby asked me what i wanted to do for my birthday i was limited in option since nanna daydream and grandad grumps have abondoned us to go and sun themselfs again in another country for 2 weeks we had no baby sitter so a night out was out of the question. i had to think family fun and than i came up with the idea of going to the seaside for the day.

i loved day trips to the seaside as a kid mainly because we never really went on many because my mum and dad worked so hard that our main trip was our annual 2 week holiday to either turkey, greece or spain. so when we did manage to go to the uk seaside it was a really treat. on this day trip i wanted to relive my old childhood experiances and show harrison things i loved as a child and hope he does too.

i had lots of things on my check list and they were:-

play on the beach
the weather wasnt fantasic but it was dry and that was good enough for us. harrison loved trhe beach he ran all over the place picking up shells and sand pointing at the sea and birds using his new words i was beautiful to watch he has so much fun as we all chased each other on the beach. beach fun came to an end when harrison decided he was tired and just sat down on the sand. i asked him what was wrong and he stood up walked over to his pram and said in. that was us told.

walk on the pier
i wanted to have a walk on the pier to soak up the atmosphere and thats exactly what we did. i am a complete people watcher and harrison has inherited this too so we were in our eliment having a good nosey.
you see people from all walks of life on day trips from stag and hen nights to an old boys jolly outing as well as the usual familes.

eat fish and chips by the sea
this one we could only part do by tea time the wind had picked up so we decided to eat inside a sea front fish and chip shop. it was still folling the check list though. the chip shop we chose is not one we would go to again but its all trial and error and knowing us we will forget nect time we go and try that one again and no even relise. even though it wasnt the best we still enjoyed our fish and chips it definitly warmed and filled our tummys for the next part of our check list.

rock and fresh donuts
a big rule when visiting the sea side is you have to buy rock not only for yourselves but for family members too. most people dont eat rock so you usually see the rock laying in there cupboards for months or even years to coming in my parents case but it the thought that counts and we bought 10 sticks for £3 so lots to give out luckly friends and family.

another big rule when visiting the sea side is to also eat freshly made doughnuts smothered in sugar so naughty put so so so good. we got 5 for £2 and they were very yummy we saved them for the car. unfortunalty this part of the experoance harrison wasnt allowed any off this was just for mummy and daddy but when he older he will be allowed to partisipate too.

watch the sun set
i have always loved watching the sun set over the sea so this was a must on my list espicially as we were waiting for it to go dark. we were lucky and got to witness the beautiful sunset as we walked up and down the beach even harrison enjoyed it.

see the illumnation
once the sun had set we headed back to our car to get ready to see the ilumination, harrison had his bum changed and was out in some comfy clothes and put in his car seat and wrapped up snug as a bug while me and daddy peacock sat and ate our donuts and joined the cue for the illumination. ive not seen the illuminations in over 10 years so when we pulled out onto the main strip and seen them it was beautiful all the sparkly lights we drove slowly to be able to take in the sights, as we approched the main even of illumination i turned back to notice our little dude had drifted off. be and daddy peacock enjoyed it all the same.

over all we had a wonderful family day and i had a fab birthday. this definitly cheered me up and took my mind of my pending operation. i cant wait till we can do it all again.


  1. Happy Birthday! Really lovely photos-looks like you all had a great day.

  2. Thank you hunnie, we really did have a great day, one id like to repeat soon. Xxx
