Monday 17 September 2012

Emotional day part 2

Well I have just come into hospital to get ready for my op tomorrow morning to say I'm nervous Is an under statement. My biggest fear is that I won't wake up from the op and won't get to see jack or Harrison again.

This has cause many melt downs today already I have cried numerous time and to top it of he thought of not seeing my baby boy for 4 days is breaking my heart. When we dropped him off at his auntie and uncles I stayed for a bit to let him Seattle than went to make my exit he knew straight away and started crying. I had to bolt So in bad mummy style left him crying in his auntie Nic arms while I sat I. The car crying and my poor hubby trying to calm me down.

When I arrived at the hospital we were told that visiting hours are only 2 1hour visits meaning that I will also not get to see my hubby either this results in another breakdown of the day.

I am now sat on my bed with sore eyes feeling sorry for myself. I know this is what I wants to get myself right but I think for right now I'm allowed to have a pitty party.

To add to it all after spending ages trying to set up my tv they move me to a completely different bed on a different ward boo hoo. Now I have to figure out how to change it poor me.

Now I'm taking deep breaths pulling myself together and waiting till tomorrow. I have my kindle, phone, tv and Internet to keep my mind occupied.

Wish me luck xxxx

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