Wednesday 12 September 2012

Emotional day part 1

Today I had my pre op appointment in preparation for my gall bladder removal next week. I was prodded, poked, took fluids from me (some of which i spilled on my boot) and asked lots of question about my health ready for what I thought was an out patience op.... How wrong was I.

At the end of my appointment the nurse sat with me and explained about the procedure now I was under the illusion that I would go in on the 18th have the "minor" op and be home he same or at a push the next day when I explained this to her she was more than shocked. I will be admitted on Monday, op on tue and be in till at least thursday night. She explained at its a big operation even though it's key hole. Well how stupid did I feel!!!

When I got back in the car with daddy peacock I burst out in tears, I hate hospitals and the thought of being away from home and my little family devastates me. Plus I'm I've emotional at the best of time. I don't get me wrong I really want this op and I know is its only a few days out I my life to help me have a better life but still the shock that what I thought the op was and the reality got to me so daddy peacock took us for a nice family lunch to cheer us up.

We arrived at the restaurant where we were having lunch I said I would run in and get us a table while daddy peacock got baby peacock out of the car. Oh well the heavens sure opened and I got drenched a few minuets later daddy peacock and baby peacock arrive at the table dry a a bone... Typical!!! Over lunch me and daddy peacock were talking about child care while I was in hospital, since my mum and dad have abandoned us for 2 weeks to sun themselves we were stuck for options hubby on annual leave from work so there's part I the problems solved but the other problem was while he was by my side. This resulted in my crying an telling him to drop me off at the hospital on monday and picking me up when I'm "released" Total over reaction on my part since he only said he wanted to be here when they put me under.

After lunch we went to asda for some bits as you do once again I volunteered to go an get a dry trolly while daddy peacock took baby peacock out the car. Once again the heaven open up and I am more drenched. a quick spin round asda and we decided to see my sister in law to see of she could help with child care while I'm in hospital. Of course she said yes and I ended up crying AGAIN.

We're now home babies in bed I've had a nice relaxing bath, with a hor and face mask. I feel really emotionally drained I don't know if it's nerves or what but an early night should sort me out.

As for why this post is part 1 well I can imagine Mondays going to be really emotional.

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