Monday 13 August 2012

Teething gate

My little dudes teeth or lack of them have away been a talking point for a few reason

• 1 because hes been teething since he was 3 months old
•2 he didn't cut his 1st tooth till he was 11 months old
•3 from 14month till 18month he only had 4 teeth

I take it back since writing this blog Harrison had a bad night from 3.30an crying in pain with his teeth and not knowing what to do with him self. After medicine, teething powders and lots of mummy and daddy cuddles he eventually settled down. My poor baby.

Finally he's cutting the rest but there all coming in quick succession he 19months old now and he's just cut 5 teeth in a week 4 back teeth 2 top and 2 bottom and 1 side tooth.

Like all his teeth bar his front ones they have crept in with out is even noticing I alway have a good poke round his mouth when brushing his teeth and that's when I stumbled across them. Hopefully they will all carrying on coming through like this and carry on coming.

I have to admit I was worried that there was something wrong and even mentioned it to his baby doctor who said because theres no family history he was not worried about his teeth. Finally my worries are over and my little dude can start enjoying his new teeth.

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