Friday 10 August 2012

My bucket list

I've been seeing lots of people talking about bucket list recently and it has definitely got me thinking about my own. It may sound gloomy but as they say you only life once or to make myself sound younger y.o.l.o. Im Not sure on bucket list etiquette. How long it should be, if you can add to it at a later date so I'm doing my own list my way. I'm 27 very soon to be 28 and I'm hoping as I get older and experience more I can still add to it. Here's my first draft.

• visit the pyramids in Egypt.
• swim with dolphins
• visit the Northern lights in Scotland and Finland
•renew my wedding vows in front of elvis in las vegas
• be happy with my weight and what I see in the mirror. Ie be a yummy mummy
• see my child/ children grow
• do the whole sex and the city experience in Abu dhabi
•stay in a glass bottom hut in Mauritius
•be brave enough to have a tattoo
•final pass my driving test
•bake and ice a big cake for a birthday or special occasion.
•spend Christmas away from home with my family.
•make a single in one of those singing booths, I can't sing but I like to pretend I can.
•visit my best friend /cousin in new Zealand
•make a dress from scratch, ideally a wedding dress.
• to watch all the episodes of all the series's of real house wife's
• to own a gucci bag
•Get my brows hd
•to stay in the penthouse suit of a posh hotel
•to have more children

None of the list is in any order and I'm sure it will definitely grow quicker than it goes down and I'm sure I've forgotten lots and lot too. Wish mer luck.

What's on your bucket list???

1 comment:

  1. Thought I'd share my bucket list with you!

    Some of the things I have been lucky enough to do/see I'll share my bucket list I've had for years

    -learn how to swim
    -learn how to ride a bike ( never got the chance when I was younger)
    -swim with dolphins
    -meet Mickey mouse in Florida
    - see Alicia keys in concert
    - see r Kelly in concert
    - have a holiday to Seychelles
    - be around when my grandkids are about
    - learn how to sew (my mothers passion)
    -buy my own house
    -pass driving test
    - go on a safari holiday

    I know it's nothing fancy but if was to be able to do all these things it would be amazing
