Saturday 18 August 2012

It's been a very long week.

My normal week usually consists of working only 4 days, getting a full nights sleep and rig able to hold a conversation with daddy peacock.... Well this week wasn't so straight forward.

Monday- the "great" day

The week started with the cover I had lined up for my days off being cancelled meaning I had to jump from doing 4 days to 6. Great!
Than there was a work related problem causing the day to be stressful in its self. I than came home to an over tired, teething toddler double great!!
That night baby peacock was up and down like a yoyo crying with his teeth, only want mummy, everett one daddy peacock went near him he screamed a blood curdling scream. Triple great!!

Tuesday- not as bad as I originally thought

Once baby peacock finally settled I woke up having a gall bladder attack so spent my precious sleepy time hugging the toilet thinking of what to name him in the end I decided on larry the lavatory - clever name don't you think?
Just as I got back in to bed my alarm went off and so did baby peacock. Daddy peacock didn't hear either of these so he got a little "accidental" dig in the side as I got out of bed. I was a little mad considering it was his day off and our rule is the person who's off sort baby peacock out. Also he normal rubs my back when I have a fall bladder attack but he slept through that too. Work went the ok but when I got home daddy peacock couldn't hear a word I was saying I didn't know if he was just having selective hearing to my Nagging or his hearing had actually gone. I was too shattered to ask and baby peacock Was not settling. Another long night.

Wednesday- this days gets the award for worst day of he week.

Another long night with night with baby peacock so when daddy peacock drops him off at nanna daydreams before work At 5am I took the opportunity to go back to bed till 7am.

I started the day at work as usual and my day continued as normal. I went on u lunch that when my day changed.

Daddy peacock called the first worlds out of his mouth are " baby don't worry, I'm fine" now he first thought any normal human being would think would be PANIC.
He continues "I've fainted at work and knocked my self out on the way Dow" - he is 6ft 3 so he does have a long way to go.
During the conversation with hubby who after he knocked himself out was rushed to hospital and had a full MOT while he was there. Found out he had an infection in his blood which had also effected his ears - hence why he was being deaf the day before. They discharged him with a bag full of medication and told him to see our gp. Now at this point he was in Halifax where he works we live in heywood and when he got to work his area manager took his car keys of him because he was worried he would have accident.

Now obviously I was worried about hubby but now I have to worry how I was going to get him home, get Harrison home and to top it off myself because I'd left my purse at home..

At this point my lunch was over so I had to return back to work. This was playing on my mind to made the simplest of task seem difficult.

Any way with the help I my wonderful family all was fine, we all got home and after a long day were all bath/ showed and In bed early. Baby peacock did have a few cries but went back down after a little cuddle.

Thursday- the day I became a terrible

Due to the time baby peacock leaves with daddy peacock to go to nanna day dreams he too sleepy to know what going on. This morning daddy peacock was at home due to his episode the day before needing him a few days off and lack of car. For the first time in baby peacock life I left him to go to work. He definitly had something to say about that and screamed the house down from the window watching me leave. Later that day daddy peacock said he watched me walk down the street till he couldnt see me any more. My heat was breaking having to leave my little boy like that. It's me that wipes his tears and cuddled his pain and upset away. I felt like the worst mum in the world.

Knowing my little family was at home my day at worked dragged but at home time when I got of the bus I was surprised by daddy peacock and baby peacock stop hand in hand with big smiles on there faces. What a lovely surprise. We all walked home and baby peacock was so happy to see me that he kept doing the peacock shuffle. ( a dance he does when he excited named the peacock shuffle by my mum and dad)

Bed time arrived and baby peacock went down fine but woke later in the night with his teeth. Once his pain had gone I put him down again. He started winging as soon as I picked him up he was fine so carrying on as I started the day as a bad mummy I put him down and left him to whine. He fell asleep within 5 minuets and slept until my alarm clock went off and he was in a lovely mood when he woke up.

Friday- daddy peacock gets his car back

The morning was the same as thursday with baby peacock crying as I left but I still felt bad.

My day at work went quick and daddy peacock was able to pick me up from work as usual so we were all home at a good time.

Baby peacock went to bed fine and I followed him not long after an had an early night 9.30pm

Baby peacock slept through we all got a good nights sleep

Saturday- last day at work yay

With having a full nights sleep I felt very awake and fresh, daddy peacock dropped me off at work and baby peacock waved bye from he car.... Great start to the day.

Work was as usual ad I was in a fab mood knowing I'll be of for 2 days and my 6 day stint was over.

We had a rock and roll Saturday night take away and a DVD but it was a perfect night for us.

Sunday- my favourite day of this week

Me and baby peacock had a lovely lie and Had a lazy day at home.

I became a good wifey and had a bath waiting for my poorly hubby for when he got home and while he was bathing me and baby peacock made tea.

That night once baby peacock was in bed my and daddy peacock are lemonade ice lollies and watched Peter Kay's the tour that didn't tour your and laugh so much our cheeks hurt.

That was my idea of a good day after a long week.

At the beginning of the week I said I would be a zombie or become like Ian Beale I'm pleased to say I survive the week but still glad to see the back of it. Working 6 days In a row doesn't bother me it's working it with a teething baby. The drama was just an added twist. I'm glad this week wot be repeated for a while and the star of this week has been amazing so far, a lie in, breakfast in bed followed by family snuggle on the sofa with pop corn watching puss in boots happy days.

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