Wednesday 18 July 2012

Mummy peacocks and Gracie wild adventure

Today was my first day back in work after having a week of sick, while off very rarely left the house and didn't do any exercise apart from running around after my 18month old toddler. This was mainly do to an infection I had in my gall bladder. I was in pain and having trouble keeping food down so I had no energy.

Well this week doing good I'm back to being me again. So I decide I had a weeks worth of exercise to catch up on so once I was home from work, i bathed baby peacock and put him to bed. I then put the lead on Gracie our 3 year old westie stuffed some nappy sacks in my pocket and put my ipod down my bra all set or our walk while daddy peacock made our tea.

Well this wasn't any ordinary walk I thought I would explore the valley that is at the back of our house, we've lived here for 5 years and I've never been there or knew what was at the bottom........well I know now.

When we entered the entrance I noticed that it was over grown this is when I should have turned back. There was a walked on path so I followed it but as I was going deeper and deeper and the growth was getting thicker and thinker I was starting to worry, I still wasn't clever enough to turn round.

After walking / climbing and gettig stung and pricked of all the greenery for 10 minuets I started hearing water from a stream I was taken aback that this was out the back of my house and I never knew so I stood and took on the scenery for a while. I thought this must be a good sign I thought maybe people come down here often to see the stream..... Or maybe not.

I carried on walking and seen some young lads skimming pebbles I thought yay must be getting closer to the exit, to civilisation, as I got closer I realised they were on the other side. What a numpty am I. We carried on walking further and as we did the stream was getting bigger and bigger, more and more rapid. I started to really worry especially as the path was leading us to the edge and the path was getting very skippy and extremely muddy. Needless to say we took this part of our adventure very slow there was no way I was getting dragged down a stream tonight.

The path started to widen which was a relive I no longer had to cling to trees for dear life. The path was still muddy but this time it was also water logged. I really thought I was in some sort of adventure film where I was walking through the jungle/ woods/ forest to find something amazing like a new bread of life or something.

I managed to find a solid bit of ground and decided to phone daddy peacock he once fell down there and had to climb trees to get back to to our garden so I thought he could maybe advise me of what to do. Needless to say he couldn't he kept telling me to go back but it was far to late for that. I had to put the phone down and carry on. This bit took us ages to pass as between me and Gracie we kept getting stuck in the mood.

Once again I thought we were getting somewhere as the pay was getting wider and the growth looks like its been flattened than we come across a fallen down tree that must have fallen during the bad winter. We definitely had gone too far to turn back an I really didn't want to go though the swampy bits again so I pick Gracie up post her through the gap and than climb though myself.

A short walk and I see red bricks wa there is a really path, I get so excited that I pick up the past me and Gracie are getting very excited, we passed a beautiful homemade fence and railing as if someone has taken time to look after this side of he valley, similar to Dorothy we followed the red brick path till it led us to a steep hill, I could hear people laughing so we climbed up and there it was the best sight ever, something I though I would never find..... The way out.

I there want kids playing near by I would probably kissed the ground, I never though I would be so happy to see the rough bit that's near where I life. I was even happy to see people sat in there garden in there pjs. In all fairness they probably thought I was the local tramp with mud splattered up my pants and my hair all over the place with my poor muddy westie.

I finally got home to the beautiful smell of mexican bake my lovely hubby made. before I could tuck in I had to strip at the door and jump In The shower.

I'm definitely not takin gracie for a walk down there again, think I'll stick to the local park from now on. After that work out I better lose weight this week.

I've added some pictures of my favourite parts of the walk. I have to admit the stream was beautiful and I'm shocked that all this is at the bottom of the valley at the back of my house and we've loved here 5 years. Maybe I'll find a better way on the other side of the the valley..... There my be mummy peacock and Gracie adventure part 2 yet. X


  1. Dude.... that's no stream, it's the River Roch lol!!

    Sounds like a scary adventure though xx

  2. Omg how dumb am Its at the bottom of the valley at the back of my house and I never knew it was there never mind what it was ha ha ha . When we bought tr house the environmental survey said it was land fill that's why I never ventured there. I did see people on the otherwise of the river in the distance so once I figure out how to get there I will have an explore there too hopefully not get myself on the same postion lol
