Thursday 19 July 2012

#50shadesofparenthood my mummy fantasy @mummy365

I walked though my front door after a long and exhausting day at work,thankfully im off for a few days. Even though I'm off work I have still got myfamily to look after which seems like a second full time job at times. As Iwalk through the living room door the house is unusually quiet, I wonder what'sgoing on. I place my bag on the sofa and notice the living room is clean andtidy not how I left it this morning. My thoughts are interrupted by a handsometall man standing in the kitchen door way, he's looking very sexy in his workshirt and tie. His tie is slightly undone and his collar is unbuttoned. Myinner goddess is purring. The man walks towards me keeping eye contact with me.It still amazes me that after 9 years together and nearly 3 years of marriage hestill gives me butterflies. Once he standing in front of me I look up and him.Hello Mr Man I say. He passionately kisses me on the lips and replies hellobaby girl. I'm grinning from ear to ear. I go to ask jack my husband if it washe who has cleaned and tidied the living room but before I can speak he kissesme again and as if he's reading my mind he whispers in my ear I've hired acleaner. My head rolls back in ecstasy the though of not having to get up at5am to put the washing on before going to work sends a thrill though my body.

Jack strokes my arm and takes hold of my hand and leads me into theconservatory, there I see my suitcases all packed. I turn and ask jack allexcitedly “are we going somewhere”? He shakes his head and says “no baby girlwere not, you are”! This has completely confused me is he replacing me with acleaner? by the looks of things she's doing a better job at looking after thehouse than me already. Jack sits me down and I start to panic he really isreplacing me I thought. I know im not a total domestic goddess but I do try andI am only human. Jack looks deep in my eyes with his beautiful baby blues. Icould get lost in those eyes, but not right now I need to be alert and find outwhat's going on. Jack smiles his cheeky smiles and begins to tell me. “I have asurprise for you baby girl im sending you to a luxury yummy mummy hotel for afew days; it’s to give you a well deserved break with no disruption from me,the baby or work. You just relax and enjoy some you time”. For the first timein my life im speechless than I wonder where is our 18month old son Harrison? Againas if he's reading my mind jack says Harrison is still at my mums who we callnanna daydream on the fact that she lives in a dream world. Jack tells me oncehe dropped me off at the yummy mummy hotel he's going to pick Harrison up andthey are going to have a father and son weekend. This makes me feel better bouthaving a few nights for some me time.

In the car I can’t contain my excitement of having a few days of nothingto do. No work, no cooking and no trying to please everyone else. Jack looksover to me and I smile at him my biggest beaming smile. He places his hand onmy knee and tells me he's going to miss me but says I deserve this. That makesme feel less guilty. Once at the hotel jack kisses me with the same passionatekiss he gave me when I arrived home from work. The same kiss he gave me thennight he proposed, the same kiss he gave me when we became husband and wife.That very same kiss that makes my tummy flips. We say good bye and I go tocheck in. im shown to my room where I am told that the snack bar is all freeand the huge TV has every film ever made. I am definitely in heaven. I'm leftalone by the porter to explore my room and get on with my stay.

While getting comfy in my hotel room I notice a welcome pack, as I havea nosey through it I notice that there is a page about the mini bar, all thesnacks are all my favourite but have had all the calories removed but some howretain the same flavour. This makes me quiver with delight. The pure pleasureof chocolaty delights all free and all good for you. The bonus no guilt either.There is also a menu for room service they will deliver any food you wish toyour room again with all the bad saturated fats and calories removed. I thinkim in love with this hotel too much.

I undress to slip into somethingmore comfortable. The material is as soft as it caresses my skin, clean, fluffybutton up pjs with elasticated waste, I purr with pleasure about how they makeme feel, comfortable. I climb into the large springy bed with the big long hardcontrol between my fingers and select a film I fully intend to watch from startto finish without any distribution, without having to pause to sort out a drama.I get comfortable open a box of chocolates and enjoy the film. I am one luckymummy hmmmmm.
After the film has finish I stretchmy whole body I really enjoyed just vegetating watching a film, I decided totake a soak in the Jacuzzi in my hotel bath room as I start to run the hotsteamy tub I generously pour essential oil bubble bath the aroma hits me immediatelysending tingles through my body. I climb in allowing the aromatic properties takea hold of me and I instantly succumb to the relaxation. I could get used tothis. I close my eyes and enjoy this sensation and fantasies about thewonderful lie in I am going to have tomorrow morning thanks to the late checkout. This is the best gift a mummy could ever receive.

1 comment:

  1. What a dream day that would be! I love it! Well done you for tapping into your creative self! ;) Thanks so much for joining in with #50shadesofparenthood
    :) Karin @ Mummy365
