Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mission yummy mummys week 5 cancelled

Due to the fact that I've been Poorly for over a week I have cancelled weigh in today, I'm taking it as a holiday\sick day. This sounds like I'm chickening out but that's not the case Ive hardly eaten this week and what I have I've been sick so any loss will be a false one.

The other side of it is I've been ok of 2 days I've just eaten small. So fingers crossed the infections going. I'm going to stick to the plan this week but just eat small and build up from there.

The good thing about slimming world is that it restrict all the things that cause a gall bladder attack such as fat cheese, full fat milk etc so if they do decided to take my gall bladder out slimming world is definitely the best plan to stick to.

I'm also going back to work this week. This will get me moving more again and take my mind of any pain I'm in.

Here's to a great next week. Hope you all have a fan week. X

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