Monday 16 July 2012

A mummy's fantasy @britmums

I have a mummy fantasy that I have been dreaming about for a while it's 100% selfish and chances of me actually acting it out is slim to none. A mummy can dream....

My fantasy is to stay in a hotel room all by myself. No husband, no children, no dogs. Completely alone and free from being shouted, called, screamed, bothered and pestered.

The hotel room would have a huge bed with a massive tv on the wall so I can just lay in bed with clean, milk, drool and weetabix free pj on and watch any film I want from start to finish with out having to pause it to sort out a mini drama or rewind bit I've missed. hop definitely won't be on that list though there's only so much of the Easter bunny one women can take.

The snack bar would be filled with all my favourite naughty snacks. Ben and jerrys ice cream, Doritos, popcorn, biscuits, millies cookies, diet coke, McDonald's strawberry milkshake, nandos peri peri nuts, walkers sensation spare rib crackers and all my favourite chocolate. I know your all thinking wheres the alcohol but I want to enjoy this as much as possible so getting drunk will make me forget the experience. I may have a small bottle of champagne in there just encase.

Room service will have a key so I don't have to get off my lazy bum to answer the door. They will also have a 6th sense of when to bring the food up so not to interrupt my viewing pleasure. room service will also be that amazing they will be able to bring me anything I want from nandos right to my favourite tapas restaurant dishes. What ever takes my fancy.

As well as slobbing out in front of the tv the room will also have a huge jacuzzi bath which has a voice activated sound system what has any music I want to listen to and lots of self lit candles in my favourite scents so I can just relax. I may even crack open the tiny bottle of champagne too. Since i Intend to stay in the jacuzzi as long as possible ill have my kindle to enjoy some much needed undisturbed reading and the ability to be able to read a whole page with out reading a few lines more than once.

The hotel will have a special mummy package which allows exhausted mummy's to have an early check in and late check out. This is so that we can make the most of a day all by ourselves but also the pleasure of sleeping in how ever long we want.
Undisturbed and totally deserved.

Even thought this sounds like a dream come true I know I would miss my little family like mad and would probably pine for them after the first film. I would no doubt end up in some sort of junk food induced coma and miss all the free time anyway. That's why it's best left as a fantasy. I know not the most exciting fantasy but when Im particularly tired and baby peacock won't stop winging, daddy peacocks acting like a child himself and the dogs barking at everything that's when I take this fantasy out of my imagination bank and pretend I'm there. that's will have to just do. I love my family really and wouldn't change them for the world.


  1. I LOVE this fantasy! I might have to steal it for myself ;-)
