Tuesday 31 July 2012

Mission yummy yummy mummy on temporary hold

Due to a problem with my gallbladder I have decided its best to put mission yummy mummy on hold until it is finally sorted. The reason behind this is that on my bad days im constantly being sick so drink lucozade which I not slimming world friendly and when I slowly introduce myself back to food it's usually dried toast or thin soup. Also the diet tag line is eat yourself slim. If I'm not eating properly than this isn't going to work.

I also have a very swollen tummy especially on the right side. His is due to my gallbladder being inflamed an swollen. Not a pretty sight.

Going to continue the diet on my good days no point in ruining all the hard work so far. When this horrible gallbladders removed I can resume where I left of and hopefully closer to being a yummy mummy.

I see my consultant 3rd September. That when the ball get well and truly rolling. My aim is to have this sorted by Xmas I want to be yummy enough to have family picture taken at Xmas so the NHS better get there skates on.

In the mean time any advise is welcome regarding my current situation. I want more than anything to be a yummy mummy. Bring on the 3rd. Xxx

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