Sunday 29 July 2012

Mummy and harrison week of fun

Last week I had a week off from work , annual leave. Unfortunately daddy peacock couldn't join us to till Wednesday because if work. We had just as much fun anyway.

We didn't do too much because the weather was nice so I wanted to make the most of it and get the garden done before the weather changed again.

Our favourite activity of the week was going to Our local @link4life family swim session at heywood sports village Baby peacock loves the water he is a really water baby we been going swimming since he was 4 months old. He developed a little Fish like swim from 6 months old. Now He loves splashing, he is attempting to do the doggy paddle on his own and his laughter and happy screams can be heard all around the pool. This makes me a very happy mummy too knowing my baby having such a fun time. I actually get that warm happy fussy mummy feeling when I see how excited he gets.

The only thing I wasn't impressed with was my little mans flirting, he is only 18 months old and he knows how to work the ladies already. There was a pretty life guard that caught baby peacocks eye, he kept hovering round where she was sat doing her job. He kept smiling at her, fluttering his eye lashes, shouting hello at her and splashing her. I she talked to him he get so excited an do this little excite shake. She fell for him straight away and called him her little mate. I couldn't get him out. What am I going to do when he older part from lock him in his room.

We went swimming every day except Wednesday, thursday and Saturday. Since the weather was so good we walked down to the baths everyday too, Harrison in his harness. It's only down the road from us so we made the the most of the sun. This is another one for Harrison favourite activities. We stop to wave at every car, we meow at every cat and every person who walked passed we said hello and bye. There and back. That was..... Fun

As I say we were quite boring this week and spend most of the time in the garden, picnic In the sun, drawing, reading and getting the paddling pool out with all the balls, looking for garden insect like caterpillars, lady birds, frogs etc and my favourite BBQs. It might sound boring compared to our normal weeks off where were visiting one place or another but it was nice to be at home for a change and just relaxing and playing.

I did make a faux par I got so excited by the nice weather I went out and bought a family size paddling pool. Since than its rained. As soon as i got it home and started inflating it the weather changed. Oh well we had fun indoor with it.

Harrison also had his hospital review appointment which is from when he was born with meningitis. He has a review every 6 month to make sure he is developing ok. Especially as his heart stopped so they monitor his progress in development to make sure all is well. The doctor that we see us is the one who revived h and made the decision to transfer him to a more equipped hospital. He always remembers Harrison because as fast as he got poorly and things were looking bad, he got better and surprised a lot of people and fought. He always says Harrison scared him so much but also shocked him at how quickly he recovered especially as 3 days at the specialist hospital we were sent back to the hospital he was born at to finish his treatment. Well the doctors verdict on Harrison review is that he developing really well, he above his age and has no worries what's so ever. He will discharge him after his 2 year review. Happy days. So proud of my little star.

As for today the weather is terrible so we going to nip out and do some retail therapy and maybe a nice Sunday lunch out somewhere, than home for a Sunday movie and snuggles on the sofa. Relaxing end to a lovely relaxing week.

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