Wednesday 4 July 2012

Mission yummy mummy week 3

This week has been a disaster, it's been my star week, I've had a poorly toddler and a poorly daddy peacock. I know these are all excuses but this has genuinely been the worst week of my diet. Emotionally and physically I have felt drained.

The weigh in results reflect the week I've had I'm disappointed to say I've stayed the same. I suppose it's not a gain so I should be happy with that.

For week 4 I'm going back to week one stylee writing everything down an being extra careful. Going back to basic. I'm going to try Zumba on the wii and plan my weeks meals better.

I'm going to use this bad week to push for a better result next week. That's all I can do to stay positive. I know if I fail or succeed its all down to me. I aim to be more successful next week. I need to lose 5lb to get to my first stone which will require hard work and determination. 2 things I'm going to do and be this week.

Daddy peacocks doing diet date night on Saturday and we are going to a birthday BBQ on Sunday, luckily the birthday girl does slimming world so there will be plenty of yummy good food there.

Here to putting this week behind me and moving forward. #Mission yummy mummy.

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