Thursday 5 July 2012

Flashback - before marriage and children.

This flash back goes back five years ago. Life was a lot simpler. It was a year I wish we could go back and visit sometimes. It's one of those If I knew than what I know now moments.

Five years ago was 2007. Me and daddy peacock were newish home owners. Aged 22/23. We were engaged but not in any rush to get married. We were happy as we were. Just the 2 of us with a dog we inherited called Marley.

I was working in Manchester at another well known jewellers. I worked late nights a few nights a week, which didn't matter than, it meant I could sleep in longer no babies to get up for. I loved my job than too but I was still finding my feet working full time and running a house with bill eek.

Back than we had no responsibilities to anyone and used to go out all the time. Date night was most night for us. Clothes shopping wasn't a luxury it was something you did when you just wanted something new or on your lunch. The pictures were our second home, we would go a few time a week. We were quite sociable back then.

My weight started to bloom again after slimming down the year before. The freedom to eat where we wanted, order take away when we wanted and have lazy days in bed watching DVD and eating junk food was the cause of this. Not just for me but daddy peacock to. Know as jack back than.

This was the year where my best friend/cousin meet her boyfriend she with now. This relationship would be the relationship that took my best fried to an amazing new life in new Zealand in 2010 but bad news for me because I miss her so much. I wouldn't change it thought she happy and that's the main thing.

As I said in the beginning it's one of those years you wish you could just revisit. It would have been the last year we had with my mother in law who passed away the following year in June 2008 from bowel cancer. I wish we could have spend more time with her instead of enjoying our new freedom. I wish I would have told her to go to her gp earlier instead of when her symptoms got bad at the end 2007 3 months before she was diagnosed. March 2008. I know none of this may have change what happened but it still sits in the back of your mind did we do all we could have done.

How my life has changed since than. I'm now married to daddy peacock an we have an 18 month old son. We still live in the same house minus Marley who passed away the same year as my mother in law we do have a new dog called Gracie she definitely one of the family. I moved jobs closer to home and a higher position. I've gained a sister In law too, my brother got married in 2008 and i have 2 new nephews. This year we lost my husband auntie who he was close to so Christmas this year with be a tough one.

I've had miscarriage, a poorly baby, PND and depression but I still come back fighting.

Looking back though the years life can deal you some wild cards from one year to the next. I think it's how you deal with everything That matters. Smile at the good time, move passed the sad time and make each moment count. That's how I'm going to play it. You never know when things with change.

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