Friday 29 June 2012

Tales of teething

Baby peacock was teething from 3 months old. Sore bum, dribbling, upset tummy and constantly chewing. this would go on for a few days and than stop for a few weeks. Every time these symptoms occurred we waited for a tooth to pop up. In Fairness a tooth was always visible though the gum but we waited a while for it to cut through. The best remedy that eased h pain was boots own teething powders. So much so that as soon as he seen the purple packet he would get so excited. To be honest he still does, now he just takes it dummy out and waits for the powder with his mouth wide open.

After months of teething agony h first tooth finally cut through at 10 months old and the second at 11 months old. They both came in a month apart and with no bother they snuck up on us which was a good thing for h.

His next set of teeth were his top 2 teeth they came in a week of one another when h was 13 months. They really did upset him. They caused him to projectile vomit as well as the usual symptoms. Being the neurotic mother I am I took him to the doctors to make sure there wasn't anything underlying. The doctor said he just had a teething virus. The virus eventually left my little dude and left behind 2 enormous set of front teeth like his momma.

H will be 18 months next week and we still only have 4 teeth. All teething Symptoms have stopped apart from dribbling which we have some amazing dribble bib from funky giraffe to help with the problem and my little dude look trendy at the same time.

Even though he only has 4 teeth that doesn't stop h from eating what he wants. This child will eat anything an can eat anything. I suppose he had to get used to it though. Especially as I stop puréeing his food at 9 months.

I've looked on the Internet and asked other mums if it's normal for a toddler of his age to only have 4 teeth. No one can answer me as all toddlers and mums have there own teething tales . The most popular advise I keep getting told is the later he gets them the longer they will last. I just keep thinking He will be starting school with just these 4 teeth. Who knows I'll have to wait and see. when ever they do appear I hope it's painless for him like his bottom teeth.

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