Sunday 24 June 2012

Mission yummy mummy - exercise getting serious

I have a confession, I haven't been exercising as much as I originally set out and as I keep saying I want to be healthy as well as a yummy mummy.

One of the reasons why I have been lazy and it really is a pathetic excuse. I don't know how to set the wii up. Daddy peacock has spaghetti central going on behind our tv cabinet with all his Xbox, ps3 the list goes on. So I usually get him to set it up for me.

This morning I woke up really in the mood to exercise ( i think I'm ill) I'm bored with all my old DVDs and again no idea how to get the DVD/ blue ray player on so I went on the fitness channel and found a work out I really wanted to try. Billy blank tai bo. While I was waiting for it to start I went through the fitness channels week guide and have chosen some more to try. Now I have NO excuse.

Going to get my glass of water, pull lots of toys out to entertain baby peacock and I'm all set to go.

I did it and survived yay!

I really enjoyed that work out, I had a few disturbances with baby peacock having a mini paddy because he couldn't get into a child lock cupboard and then trying to walk through my legs while I was doing a high kick. Than the dog tried to sit on my head while I was doing the abs workout on the floor. The joys of trying to be a yummy mummy.

After the work out I treated myself to a huge bowl of fruit and a large glass of water. I do feel so much better and have more energy which is very much needed to get through today.

Hopefully combining diet and exercise I will help me get to my goal on a healthy way. Until than my battle again the bulge to be a yummy mummy continues.

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