Sunday 24 June 2012

Football widows pamper time

I am 100% a girly girl and I hate football, daddy peacock is obsessed he has it on tv, on the radio in the car, reading up on it on the computer or on his phone and to top it off reads about in the news papers. I mean what left is there for him to know about football I ask you?????

Since I am so anti football and hubby is a huge fan for the past 9 years I have been called the football widow I can't even sit in the same room when it's on it annoys me that much.

Last year daddy peacock bought me a kindle to read while the football was on this I have had nothing. So we have to do deals in order for daddy peacock to watch it. So far I've had quite a few lie ins when it's both our days off work .

Tonight on the other had I have had nothing - don't worry i will though, to avoid football I have decided to give myself a bit of pampering. I'm feeling really good after doing a 40 minuet work out programme off the fitness channel this morning and 20 minuets on the wii fit this evening. I want to continue this feeling.

To start I'm waxing my slugs also known as eyebrows and making them into 2 again, face mask, hair mask and a long soak in the bath having a read of my kindle. I was going to tint my brow but sods law I've ran out of tint but I shall not despair I'm going to order some more now on daddy peacock amazon account. Well if he wasn't watching football.....

Can i also just add, I do hope England win I do support my country I just don't want to watch it. Now I'm off for my bath.

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