Thursday 28 June 2012

Mission yummy mummy day 16

While browsing thought diet pages for hints and tips, I found a picture of 2 jars one filled with pebbles of pounds to lose and one with pounds lost. I fell in love with this idea so much. the idea of watching the pebbles empty the bad jar and fill the good jar to symbolise my weight loss. Also the dread of having to put pebbles back in the bad jar for a gain should be enough to keep me on track.

I went straight to asda to get supplies.I than worked out what an ideal weight would be for my height and found i need to lose 107 from my current weight. I counted out my pebbles ad placed them in the pounds to lose jar I than counted and extra 9lb for the weight I've already lost.

I'm now all set the challenge is on. Bring on yummy mummy.


  1. I saw this too and have started my Jar :)

    Someone at our group keeps sugar so she can lift her 10lbs of sugar etc. Visualising it is a great way to do things :)

  2. Sugar a good one. The jars are definitely workin. When I go to te cupboard to eat for the sake of it I look at my jars and move away from the cupboards lol. Xxx
