Monday 25 June 2012

#snaphappbritmums day 24 @britmums

Again another late one but this has a story to it. Day 24 challenge was nature, on my way to work this morning I seen a hedgehog in my path so I took a picture. I noticed It was breathing heavy so walked closer and noticed it was bleeding from its nose. I'm a bit of an animal lover so called the RSPCA and got a member of Morrison staff to stay with it while I went to work. I was running late and the RSPCA won't attend to wildlife unless someone stays with it. They took my number so hopefully they can tell me what the outcome was.

I hope that they can save it but if
not at least take it pain away.its Not the best start to the morning but I have to say at least I did something, there we're quite a few people taking pictures and walking away. Thats on there conscience.

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