Thursday 11 April 2013

Waste,waste, waste!

This month me and daddy peacock have been forced to look at our finances, this was due to our car breaking down unexpectedly over Easter. The hefty repair cost has left us short in our disposable income account this the the money that isn't promised to bills or savings. with being short we were baffled why. We sat down and calculated all our bills and expensive and what was left at the end did not add up to what we had.....we had to look deeper and was shocked when we did.

Each week I do a weekly food and household shop online, i spend between £40-£80 depending on what we need.
With a toddler the price of nappies etc can hoist up the cost but we do buy in bulk and when there are offers on so we save in the long run. The main bulk of our shop is fresh fruit, meats and vegetables in keeping with my slimming world food optimising.

All sounds good so far......

While we were looking at our finances our asda delivery came, as I was putting it away I was throwing all the things that had gone off or wasn't enable anymore. 30 minuets later I was carrying 3 carrier bags full to the bin of all our waste. That set alarm bells ringing. i worked out how much food we had put in the bin by putting it in to the asda app, it worked out at around £30 worth off food give or take if we had used some. I was mortified.

How did this happen????

Take aways!! we worked out that over the 2 weeks previous we had, had a lot of take aways and worked out that we spent around £159 that's including buying ready made sandwiches on days out and eating at local restaurants. Though this doesn't include buying lunches when at work which probably amounts to £5 a day each and than there's the odd bits we pick up In terms of fizzy drinks and snacks etc..... It was ridiculous. So the food we bought in our weekly shop wasn't getting used.

Enough was enough all that waste and only thing to show for it was expanding waistlines. We were waisting food because we were being lazy, using the excuses that we were to tired to cook. I can't help bit think of all the things the thing that money could have been used for if were were just going to waste it. I am ashamed if us.

Things have to change!

The peacock family plan of action!
We want to change this behaviour for the better but to do that we have to go back to basic. for the next 3 months we are literally going back to what basic means to us.
•no take aways
•no fizzy drinks
• no buying lunch at work-all food must be prepared at home using food from home
•weekly shopping only to enter the house .
•no snacks or goodies to be bought unless In the weekly shop
• meals must be planned for minimum waste I.e make In bulk use item in more than 1 meal.
• learn to plan cooking around life obstacles- if you know a hectic day is coming pre plan and cook it a day early or cook on a less hectic day and freeze to make life easier.

So far we are nearly 7 days into it and I have to say I actually feel better, all food is home cooked healthy meals, no fizzy drinks and I've upped my water intake and I haven't spent a penny this week
Only on bus fairs. The healthy eating has made me feel so good I actual went out for a power walk and enjoyed it and I am sticking to slimming world too.

I can't not believe this is how we have behaved it not good for us and its setting a bad example for our son. This weekend were off as a family normally we would eat out but instead a nice walk somewhere to get some fresh air with a homemade picnic to eat either while we're out or in the car depending on the weather and a nice home Cooked tea to looked forward to when we get home.

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