Wednesday 19 September 2012

The day after the night before

Yesterday I had an operation to remove my gall bladder, the operation went well apart from a possible lodge stone which the surgeons not too sure if he got or not so I have to go for a scan In the big tunnel to find out if he has or not. If there is still a stone there it will mean another op of not than ill be full discharged.

In the mean time I'm home after being let out this morning, it feels so good to be home I've missed my little family so much. It is hard being at home and not being able to pick little dude up for a cuddle especially when he reaches up to be. Not long now until back to being me again.

To ease my pain and welcome me home I have been spoilt with lots of gifts from my little family. They got me
-the gimminy cricket chamilia charm for my bracelet
- huge box of chocolate
-huge bunching flowers
- Armani diamond perfume
- I live mummy thorntons rock
-more chocolates
-get well soon teddy

As well as all the gifts my amazing husband has been running around after me helping me with the smallest task that I usually find so easy and doing all the child care I'm just a bystander. Hopefully the more I move in the next few days the more mobile I'll become.

I'm in a lot of pain especially when the pain killers wear off and I can feel the pull on my staples. I have 5 cuts all with different amount of staples in them. I'm dreading having them removed it was bad enough having the tube removed from the space where my gall bladder once was. Now that was a weird sensation. The district nurse is due on 10 days to remove them and Oldham hospital have gave me the scissors to give to the district nurse, anyone else think that's strange.???

My mum and dad are due back of there holidays friday and have facetime me everyday since they found out I was going in hospital. When my mum gets back she Moving in for a few days to help me out a bit when hubby returns to work. I think she feels Guilty that she was away while I was having an op not being there for my as her daughter and not being here to help with Harrison, I think it's her way of making it up to us bless her. I think I would be the same of it was Harrison. I always you don't appreciate your
Mum properly until you become a mum yourself.

Well now I'm being sent off to bed by hubby he says for rest I think it's so he can watch the football in peace. Either way I'm sleepy anyway do win win both ways. Now where did I put my bell. Xxx

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