Wednesday 11 July 2012

Mission yummy mummy week 4

Well this week has been a good week. I've kept on track all week. I did have a bit of a bad day on Sunday at my friends birthday BBQ I ended up giving in to temptation and having 3 small glasses of wine and a slice of cake. in all fairness it was a celebration and a one off and I have to remember this is a marathon not a sprint so the occasional slip shouldn't mean I have to beat myself up about it. The main thing is I was back on track the following day.

We had diet date night again this time was the turn of daddy peacock. It was a bit of a disaster. He basically just made tea nothing special but he did say he will do his turn over again so happy days.

I've been making lots of soup this week. I do like homemade soups and even baby peacocks been having them for lunch. according to nanna daydream He's really enjoying them too happy days all round.

Cherries are on offer at the moment at Morrison so I've been eating them by the Punnet. Here usually so expensive. These one are only £1 and taste so sweet. perfect for my sweet tooth.

Well for the moment of truth, did my little slip cost me a few pounds???? This week i have lost 2lbs yay. That's 11lbs down 105lbs to go.

I'm pleased with that result. Now for my plan of action for week 5. I really want to get that 1st stone out Of the way so this week I'm aiming to lose 3lbs. Going to do this by planning my week again and exercising. My best friend has borrowed me her zumba fitness for the wii to try and another exercise game. I'll be giving them a whirl.

My only worry is I'm off work sick this week due to having an infection in my gall bladder. When I'm home in the day this is when I'm in danger of picking. These are the sort of days I find dieting hard. Hopefully running around after baby peacock should help but not too sure. The other problem is due to having an infections Im vomiting a lot I'm worried this will effect my weight loss. This diet is built around eating yourself slim and if I'm eating and than being sick the goodness of the fruit and veg are not staying in my body to work there magic. I'll have to see how I get on. Maybe another week of soup making may be on the cards too.

I didn't get round to taking any picture of me this week so I've put on some of things I've been making this week.

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