Sunday 1 July 2012

Diet come dine with me date night.

Last night me and daddy peacock had the first of our diet come dine with me style date nights. I went first so it was my night last night.

I decided on an Indian theme mainly because it's one of our favourite style of food and I wanted to see if I could make a low fat syn free slimming world version. That's just as nice and probably a lot cheaper than the take aways we usually have on a saturday night. i pulled out my red table cloth and tried to make it look romantic..... not sure thats how it panned out.

I was going to go down the route of starter, main and dessert but in the end I made the starters as side dishes to our main this is what we would do if we went out for an indian or got a take away. we both like having a bit of everything to try.

The menu

Starter/ sides
Vegetable pakora , onion & spinach bhaji  and sagg aloo. All served with a yogurt and mint dipping sauce.

Keema curry  served with turmeric rice and a side salad dressed with dried mint and lemon.

Strawberry covered in vanilla mullet light served in fancey dessert glasses.

The dessert was the disappointing bit I wanted to make a cardamon and vanilla panna cotta but I actually forgot to make it before I went to work, my second choice dessert was a chocolate moose and I served the food and forgot to make it so the strawberries and yogurt were my back up plan i have this for my breakfast most mornings.

the food went down well, so well daddy peacock took left overs to work with him. i have to say myself that it was nice and completely guilt free. all the food was home made and syn free. i made sure there was lots of superfree food inline with doing and extra easy day. for people who are not familiar with slimming world an extra easy day is where you can eat as much lean meat and fish, pasta rice and potatoes. the golden rule is that at least a thurd of your plate has to be vegatables. as well as having a huge salad i also added extra vegitables in everything as well to make sure.

over all we both enjoyed the food and would prefure it to take away. neither of us have that ikky feeling you get from take out and as i said before guilt free.

to set the ambience of the evening i had my album of the moment on ed sheeran +. i love this album think he has the kind of voice that relaxes you  and i don't really listen to anything else at the moment.... i'm slightly obsessed.

I had the idea to get a game we can play which doesn't involve staring at the tv or using any of the many games consoles we own, so i went to w h smith to buy a board game. i found one called catagorally speaking. a board game i knew would be a concept daddy peacock would struggle  with as he such a techy and gamer. i thought my night my rules what i say goes.

well the game went down a treat daddy peacock loved it. the idea is that you chose 4 catogories an 4 letters and you have to name as many things relating to that catogory beinging with that letter in 3 minuets for example if you had to name something related to the circus and 1 of your letter being c  could say clown, clothes etc. the person with the most  answer that the other person doesn't have wins. we played 3 games with 3 sets each. daddy peacock won over all beating me twice out of the 3. we did have fun and it made us laugh so much its surprising how much of a mental block you get as well as compeitive.

I got daddy peacock a small gift for our date night it was only a box of white chocolate lints, i thought he's good enough to go with this even though it was his idea and  he's supporting me with this diet he deserve a little naughty treat. the treat was very well recieved i must say. daddy peacock wasn't the only one who got a treat, i was surprised with a beautiful bunch of flowers. i thought that was a lovely and the gifts definitly set the tone for the evening.

over all it was a lovely evening. to some this may be boring but when you become parents the idea of getting dressed up to go out after a long day at work and then toddlers bed time is just exhausting. before baby peacock came along we were out most weekends now we just prefure to stay in, relax and eat nice food which is what we are currently exploring. this is not to say we are never going out on date nights again it just means that we are  still giving each other sometime.

the evening wasnt without its drama though, when i popped up to check on baby peacock i noticed he was red hot so being the nerotic mother i am i took his tempreture, it was 102.2 so i woke him up gave him some medican, stripped him down to his nappy, openned his bedroom window and wiped him down with a cool flannel..... told you i was nerotic. he went staight back to sleep once i put him down again but i than became a worried mummy peacock and was up all night checking on him. he has been really off today not sure why. hopfully its more teeth finally coming through.

roll on next week its daddy peacocks turn to cook for our diet date night..... ill keep you posted.

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