Monday 2 July 2012

A day in a life of me @britmums

After ready the prompt on britmums yesterday I thought I'd give it ago. A day in the life of me. Monday 2nd July 2012.

5am daddy peacock has woken me up to tell me he's about to leave the house to take baby peacock to nanna daydreams than off to work. I offer to take the baby down as he is currently fast asleep on my arm after sleeping in our bed for the first time in his 18month life. He poorly at the minuet after waking at 12.38am and not wanting to be put down or left, I caved an let him in our bed. Still wondering if Ive just made a rod for my own back. Tonight will tell.

5.10am daddy peacock and baby peacock have left. I've called nanna daydream to tell her there on there way and to update her on how baby peacock is doing. After the phone call I stand in the living room trying to decided to stay up and do a fitness programme or go back to bed.

6.30am my Alarm goes off, I snooze it.

7.18am I wake up in a panic should have got up at 7am. I jump up and head to the bathroom.

7.35am I'm playing hunt the make up after baby peacock was playing with my make up bag lastnight. I already found some in the bath before bath time. I found some under the bed, in the wash basket and a brush near the toilet. I decide to tap into my back up and ill have a search tonight for the hidden make up. The joys of toddlers.

7.50am really running late having a bad hair day. I just put it in a pony feel like a 90s clubber all I'm missing is the purple fringe and gold lipstick. Think I'll stick with the pony for now.

7.55am I'm packing my bag and letting the dog out. I pack lots of fruit in my bag and 2 cereal bars for breakfast on the go.

8am dogs in, house is locked and alarmed up and I'm finally on my way to work. I notice my neighbour and pretend to be rummaging in my bag so I don't have to talk to them. Trying to keep them sweet because we're putting a 6ft fence up for privacy and If they speak to me this morning I may go mad after them crushing tins and banging at 9pm last night knowing baby peacock was in bed and knowing its his bedroom window there making that noise under.

8.15am after my 15 minuet walk to the bus stop a bus has just come yay I'm not going to be late for work. I start to blog my morning. The bus is my main office for blogging. No disturbances or distractions. Just the occasional wee and bo smell and Maybe a child eating salt and vinegar Crisp for there breakfast staring at you.

8.38am I get a text, my manager saying she stuck in traffic and is going to be late. I'm secretly pleased because it means I can continue blogging. I'm already sat outside work.

8.50am managers still not here I've caught up on my blogging so I ramble instead.

8.51am no more blogging to be done and still no manager. 02 wifi not available so can't have a nosey on twitter or Facebook. I'll get my kindle out.

9am-1pm we opened the shop a bit late oops but worked very hard doing Monday morning jobs and tasks. Nothing exciting. I didn't even get to do the Monday morning fire test that usually causes some excitement because I always get the key stuck and the alarm won't go off so centre security have to come to my rescue.

1.30pm had a heart to heart with my manager, she having a bad time at the moment in her personal life, so we were trying to find solution to help.
Unfortunately we didn't get very far.

2pm Im on my lunch, because I've been in a centre all day I didn't realise it's been raining so I get soaked running to and from the jacket potatoe van.

2.10pm I've arrive back In Work resembling a downed rat, lucky I put my hair up for work the only damage control is only on my fringe. As I head to the office I'm cornered by one of our mad reps who tells me tales of her mad week which involves an incident with a treadmill and joe pesquali in a hotel gym.

2.20pm Ive finally got away from the rep and settled to eat my lunch. Oh no the silly jacket potatoe lady has given me tuna mayo not plain tuna. Oh well I'm just going to have to syn it. I'm not going back to change it now, there are two dangers out there with the mad rep and the rain.

2.40 I FaceTime nanna day dream to
see how baby peacocks doing, he seems happier but the cheeky monkey keeps cutting me off and nanna day dream doesn't know how to do call back, I'm happy knowing my little dudes getting better so happy days.

2.45pm daddy peacocks just messages me to tell me he feels poorly. First thought aw my poor hubby second thought omg its going to be like having two needy toddlers in the house tonight, daddy peacocks pathetic when he's ill. I continue to dry and try and style my fringe under the hair dryer. I'm a classy lady me.

4pm manager gets more bad news from her home life so we try again to get some help but nones available.

5.30pm daddy peacock picks me up from work he hasn't picked baby peacock up from nanna day dreams yet so we head over to get him. Nanna daydreams said she fed and watered him, this is a huge help because we won't get back home till bedtime.

5.50pm we've arrived at nanna daydreams and grandad grumps house to find our little dude stood at the window waiting for us. he has a huge smile on his face and is so excited he looks like he's going to explode. I've just been given the biggest cuddle ever. Think my baby boys missed me. I've definitely missed him.

6.20pm were heading home after having a discussion with nanna day dream about the book fifty shades of grey. Baby peacock has decided it time to go by picking up his Thomas the tank engine bag and waiting by the front door. That's us told.

6.40pm were home and baby peacock has fallen asleep.... Typical! I've woke him up and he ran into the house to let doggie peacock out. He knows that's what we do every night. He's so clever. Daddy peacock has also just surprised me with a DVD I wanted called one day. I read the book a few months ago. Can't wait to watch it when I'm not so sleepy.

6.50pm bath time for baby peacock. It's he splash splashing everywhere the bathroom is soaked. He's definitely getting over what ever he's had. I've noticed a rash so as you do I've rolled a glass over it. The rash disappears so I know he's ok. Panic over.

7pm daddy peacock has taken baby peacock to his nursery to get him ready for bed while I clean the bath out and dry the floor. I can hear daddy peacock reading tonight's story of Pinocchio. I love that story gutted daddy peacock gets to read it not me.
Oh well it's my go tomorrow.

8pm I've got change from work into my pj, put a load of washing on and have finally sat down. I Need to start tea but daddy peacocks feeling sorry for himself and I can't be bothered to cook. I've caved In to a take away. What a naughty day I'm having foodwise.

8.21pm my chicken fried rice has arrived I've not even taken a mouth full yet but the guilts already sinking in. I think I need to kick my bum tomorrow to burn this off especially as its weight day. I keep thinking of I had not gone back to bed this morning I could have put tea in the slow cooker grrr. I can't finish tea which maybe is a blessing really.

9pm I snuggle up to daddy peacock to watch big brother I love this program so much. I was 15/16 when the first one aired I always said I was going to apply to go on it 12 years on I still would love to go on but would miss my little family too much.

9.15pm daddy peacocks just gone into the kitchen and has come back with 2 solero ice lollies. On a normal day this would be fine as there only 5 syns but today I am a complete sinner and it has now gone beyond sins it's being naughty. I'm my own worst enemy.

10pm I'm on my way to bed. Daddy peacocks man flu has got better .... now isn't that funny.... Well I'm having a pillow session with mr grey on my kindle. I've checked on baby peacock and he in a nice deep sleep, dreaming about cars, wheels and anything that goes round. Doubt he will be getting in our bed tonight last night must have been a one off. I'm glad he feeling better.

This concludes a day in my life. Not the most exciting day I know but that's my life and I love it. Maybe the next time we have a fun day planned I'll do it again. Until than good night xxxxx


  1. Loved reading about your day. Looking forward to the next one.x

  2. Thank you so much hun xxxx what a lovely thing to write xxxxx

  3. Kereene harmer4 July 2012 at 02:22

    This blog actually put a smile on my face. Hope u found ur make up lol
