Tuesday 10 July 2012

Daddy peacocks diet date night not so come dine with me

Well, saturday nights diet date night was a little bit disappointing I had to say. It was daddy peacocks turn and I think he forgot a bit and it all was an after though. Tut tut tut.

I was told to have an extra easy day and to save my a healthy extra. With this information on Saturday morning I got very excited. He really thought about the meal I thought and I was in for a treat.

Well Saturday night came. I went an bathed baby peacock and put him to bed so that daddy peacock could get in with his cooking. I have to admit I was worried I couldn't smell anything cooking.

When I arrived down stairs I was bombarded with lots of questions about cooking. Huh??? Thought I was his night to cook. I decided to be means and teach daddy peacock some tough love. I didn't answer any of his questions and they were met with a dirty look.

After a wait the meal was served. Now I do appreciate his effort but if he did every do a come done with me on tv h would properly go down In history with the lowest score.

Zero entertainment. He left the table how I had it the day before. Hmm
As for the food spaghetti Bolonaise with salad and garlic potatoes. No start to be seen. It was nice just what we would have for tea on an ordinary night. There was a bonus though he made a dessert he made a low fat moose, it was lovely and I was so surprised and proud. Only at the dessert mind you.

Once Dinner was finished we sat in the living room and he put a film on we've seen loads of times. This equals me having a massive sulk. My brother came to visit which probably stopped me from tipping any left overs daddy peacock.

The evening did turn even worst when I got a really back tummy pain I've been suffering with for a while. I can't blame daddy peacock for that. He was sweet and rubbed my back while I was being sick so he scored a few points there.

Once I was done being a drama queen we had a cuddle on the sofa and I asked daddy peacock what he thought of his night compared to mine and he was honest and said he didn't put much thought into it. On the bright side he offered to redo his night and promised it will be better. Whoop whoop .

Over all I'm please he did make the effort to learn about my diet to make tea and dessert. It's the other parts that he needs to work on to make it a date night and not like any other night. We did have some fun towards the end of the night when we were playing million pound drop on the tv with our phones. We're so rock and roll us.

Here to next time.

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