Friday 22 June 2012

Mission yummy mummy 1st obstacle

Today is my oldest nephews 7th birthday. To celebrate we're going out for a family meal to an Indian restaurant. For any dieter this is a danger zone. I've already had a wobble this week so need to stay on track. So i have got a 4 part game plan

Part 1 - keep full
Today I am going to make sure I keep full. This way I won't be starving when we're at the restaurant and order all the menu. I had a nice filling breakfast of beans,egg on toast and a pear with a ginger and lemon tea. Lunch I'm having left over vegetable chilli and a bowl of melon. I also intend to drink lots of water, herbal and fruit teas.

Part 2- plan ahead
I've downloaded the menu from the restaurant were we are going tonight and Used that to see whats low in syns against my diet bible. I also saved my syns from yesterday just encase things are made slightly different that gives me a total of 30 syns. I plan on having a vegetable jalfrazi with boiled rice for 7. 5 syns with a side salad to make sure im filled up and treat myself to a poppadom for 4 syns. Totalling 11 and half syn.

Part 3 - exercise
I'm going to do a DVD before we go to help burn what I'm about to eat. This should also make me want to stick to eating as healthy as I can.

Part 4 - avoid looking at the menu.
I intend not to look at the menu. once we get in the restaurant. I know what I'm like and smelling the food in there and seeing what people have ordered will make me change my mind, I'm terrible like that. If I avoid the menu I can't be tempted to order something else. I also can't be tempted to Order a dessert either my true weakness.... Sweet thing.

I'm hoping that this 4 part plan will keep me on track, I need some determination and self control. I will be a yummy mummy.

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