Friday 24 May 2013

hair today gone tomorrow

Today has been a very emotional day for me as a mummy, i have seen my toddler go from looking baby faced and cute to looking all grown up.... and still cute. i know hes growing up and i know i cant keep him a baby forever, i just wish the time wouldnt  go so quickly, i feel like i cant keep up.

it all started a few weeks ago when i notice little dudes hair was getting too thick and he was getting too warm with it. since he was 13moths old he has had thick curly hair and as it grews i just got it trimmed but with him getting more and more active i thought it was time to get his haircut shorter. after a long coversation with daddy peacock we decided we would look into a hair cuts that would keep his signature curl but be a bit more practical.  so one sunday morning on my day off work and daddy peacock was in work i started googling hair cuts ready to take little dude on the tuesday. during my ssearch i came across a you tube video of how to do it myself so i sat little dude down on the floor on the bathroom, covered him with a towel and set to work, follwing the directions from the video. little dude was so good sitting still and listening to me as i directed his head position. the end result looked good apart from a very short fringe.

2 weeks after the first time i cut little dudes hair i noticed it was getting bulky at the back so i turned back to  my trusty you tube video for more direction and set to work chopping more of little dudes hair off this time going shorter. i have to admit,it looked good even when brushed the only problem was i thought i could do better so the next night i went shorter and ended up at a point of no return and a child with an uneven hair cut.

for the past week i have been looking at his uneven hair debating weather to take him for a proper hair cut or just let this dodgy hair cut grow out, daddy peacock wanted to leave it and let it grow where i just sat on the fence. i was regretting ever touching his hair remembering what i said to daddy peacock when little dude had first arrived in the world and thta was to never let me give him a home hair cut.....hence why i did it while daddy peacock was in work.

this morning while we were decididing what to do for our family day off, daddy peacock mentioned he needed to nip for a hair cut so we came up with the plan that we would take little dude for one too and as a reward go swimming afterwards. sat in morrsion cafe having breafast we discused how we would get little dudes hair cut even getting his input which was to snip snip snip it. so off we went to the barbers daddy peacock went first than little dudes went in the chair next to him. i asked the barber for just a trim but i think because of my dodgy home cut a trim turned into a corrective hair cut he was just to polite to say. before my eyes my floppy haired baby turned into a proper grown up little boy with a propper little boys hair cut. i thanked the barber and left the salon. once back in the car i couldnt hold back and i poured my eyes out. every time i looked back at my little dude i just could control myself. daddy peacock gave me a big hug and kept telling me he looks good but that wasnt why i was crying. while little dude had all his curls he still looked babyish whith them all gone he looked grown up and i felt like he was growing up too fast and the years were going far too quickly.

despite all the tears i love his new hair cut and so does he. every time we show him he gets excited and tells us all about the barbers experience. even in the short time he has had his grown up hair we have notced lots of benefits. after swimming his hair was dry extra quick and in a ruley matter were as usually its still wet when were home an than dries all wirey.

i know my baby has to grow up sometime and i know he will always be my baby its just it scares me every time we leave a baby related thing and enter a more grown up stage. the next step is potty training and turning his babyish room into a big boy room. when your first expecting your baby you for some reason think the baby stage goes on forever and you dont mentally prepare yourself for any of the big boy stuff past walking. i know today was only a hair cut but as a mother it symbolises him getting older and no longer being that sweet little baba in my arms and is now a beautiful and intelligent little boy who you can have mini conversations with and can tell you exactily what he likes and doesnt like. he still looks super cute and i still have many years before hes leaving the nest, i just hope the years slow down as the past 2 years was zoomed past.

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